absolute perfect

Hey there,

in this years meta its all about small pacey players with good dribbling (agility/balance)... This makes even the gold Messi one of the best players in the game. After using this TOTY Messi in 40 Games in WL an Elite Division I can tell you he ist the GOAT. The way you play him is just fun. The ball sticks on his foot and the shots are like rockets. I play him besides Mbappe TOTY as Striker or 10. Let's talk about the stats:

Pace (10/10)

He is fast like a Lamborghini. With his high acceleration pace feels like 99.

Shooting (10/10)

Perfect Finesse Shots, perfekt Longshots, perfect Finishing. Nothing more to say...

Passing (10/10)

98 Passing... Its a different level of Passing compared to other players.

Dribbling (11/10)

His dribbling is from another planet... You don't have to run with him; just move the right stick and dance through the whole defense...

Physicality (8/10)

He can get pushed off the ball, but the Strength-Upgrade is noticeable and his higher Stamina is absolute enough for 90 mins.


Can't rate his defending. Its not necessary

Finally I can say, that Messi TOTY is one of the best Players in the game and very enjoyable.








Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (6/10)
Physicality (8/10)
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