
Hello guys!

This is a review on 93 rated Ultimate Birthday Frenkie De Jong. I managed to get my hands on this card from the 86x2 from the Birthday Cup.

Squad used below:


PACE (8/10):

Although he's not slow he isn't something special in the pace area. He might get outpaced by faster attackers or midfielders like Valverde or Ramires however most of the time he is fast enough in the CM/CDM position.

SHOOTING (6/10):

He might score a couple of goals for you however his shooting ain't something special.

PASSING (10/10):

His passing is top notch. He pings all the passes and the combination of Long Ball Pass, Tiki Taka and Incisive Pass+ is wonderful. Personally I believe that he has better passing than Rolfö. Her short passing is on the same level however De Jong's long passing is much better.

DRIBBLING (10/10):

Although he only has two dribbling playstyles(and Flair is useless) his Unique body type really comes in to play together with his crazy dribbling stats and he is very hard to dispossess while on the ball. Although he might not feel as good as Vini or Messi on the ball he is still a 10 out of 10.

DEFENDING (10/10):

He has a really good tackling ability and the Anticipate+ play style ain't there to be a joke. He reaches out surprisingly far and can dispossess an opponent when the opponent is covering the ball with his/her body. His interceptions is the best part about this card. Although he lacks the intercept play style he has a Unique body type and 93 Interceptions so his interceptions is wonderful.


He ain't super strong however he can body some smaller players and he can surprise by pushing away somebody like Gullit in some situations.

This card is what you expect from a 1,1 million coin card. His passing, defending and dribbling is incredible however he has some minor flaws. I don't think that this card is worth 1,1 million when you could get Rolfö for 600k. Rolfö is on De Jong's level as a CM and she is better as a CAM however De Jong is better as a CDM.

Everything above.

5* Weak Foot.

High/High work rates.

Unique body type.

Good links.

Crazy stats.

Price. 1,1 millions is a bit too much when Rolfö's SBC was 600k.

Haven't got crazy pace or strength.

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (6/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (8/10)
Other Reviews
Frenkie de Jong
The dutch magician
Well, is a baller, is a 360° centermid, with the bal is amazing, maybe the best out there if you have under 100k budget for a cm, without the ball... is not Barella or Rabiot, is not super strong or super defensive, but with anchor you can mitigate it.Passing is unbelivalbe, shame for three stars wf but is good anyways, the ball trough are unbelivable, the precision and the speed of dribbling is fantastic.