Best card in the Game? Mbappe Toty review
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Hello Guys, I was lucky enough to pack this guy untradeable in a 83x5 two days ago and even though the most of you reading this won´t get the pleasure to play him I want give a feedback to him anyways. So I played 22 games in Rivals Division 3 with him so far and he contributed 51 Goals and 3 assists. I played him as a central striker in a 4321 and obviously just focused on getting the ball to him and my lord that really paid out. His pace is the craziest i´ve ever seen, he can´t be catched by anyone and his strength actually feels like 99 so while sprinting he is able to push any defender off, even Van Dijk. But that crazy strength doesn´t make him clunky at all. His skill move executions are so damn fast, especially elasticos and combined with the rocket trait he is unstoppable after getting around the defender. When he eventually arrives at the box there is literally nothing that doesn´t work in terms of finishing. Honestly I don´t think he actually has a weak foot as I was even suprised how crazy is left foot is. The trivela trait in the box is unstoppable, even when the opponent moves the keeper. I haven´t tried it outside the box that much because it was just too op to just dribble my way into the box. But the few times I did them from outside the box they were very good, even though I haven´t mastered the trivela angles as I am not that good of a player. His slight weakness might be heading and presence in the air but even that was fairly decent. I even scored two headers with him after crosses. I can´t say much about his passing as I barely passed the Ball with him but when I did they were always suprisingly good.

As a final statement I want to say that I can´t believe how lucky I was to pack him and how unfair he is. I could´ve easily advanced into Division 2 as I won 19 out of the 22 Games with him but the Opponents were already the better players most of the time so I decided not to. As you could guess I only won the most games because Mbappe carried me so hard by being the best card in the game. So if you might wonder if the more than 14 Million coins would be worth it, i can say yes because he made me a waaay more successful player even though I probably played worse than before.

I wish everyone the best luck for the remaining TOTY days and stop buying fifa points!


not really a con but as he doesn´t have the trait, his r1 dribbling isn´t as good as you might think.

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (10/10)