Pelé the game changer!

Pele is just what you can expect from the highest rated card in the game! He has got it ALL.

I play in div 3 and i usually get around 11-13 wins in Weekend league. I managed to scrape together the coins to buy a fresh Pele from the market before weekend league and let me tell you it was the best decision i have made. He is a complete game changer. There were times in the 80+ minute i needed a goal and pele would just score screamers without me having to time it, there were times where he would just get past defenders and get a 1v1 against the keeper. If i felt i needed more control in the midfield i changed Pele from a ST to a CAM and he controlled the midfield just getting assist after assist and i could sub in a fresh striker.

This weekend league with Pele i managed to go 15-5 with Pele scoring 37 goals and 14 assist in 20 matches, not to far from 3 points per game!. There is no doubt he is up there with R9, that there is a 5 million coin difference is a joke! Pele could easily go for 7-8 million coins. Sounds rich to say but 4.4 Million is a bargain.

If you can, buy him!

  • Shooting
  • Pace
  • Passing
  • Ability to play in the midfield
  • The biggest pro is his playstyle+ combined with his dribbling, its out of this world.

  • Strength, Sometimes he could lose a 1v1 due to strength but thats mostly a skill issue from me and not Pele
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (7/10)
Physicality (8/10)
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