This card should be 300-400k minimum

I've included the URL of my current squad. I had 570k in the bank to spend on a new defender because my untradeable base Nesta is a mess (Messta), and my 93 Maldini is struggling to do everything on his own. Looked at Blanc, Petit, base VVD, and nothing seemed too appealing to me, I don't want a basic gold card in this squad either no matter how broken VVD is. Then the other day I stumbled across the Kouliaby card which I didn't even know existed. Saw he was only 65k and decided to pull the trigger. With a card like that I highly doubt it will ever go under 60k. I wondered how a 65k card is going to perform next to a 2.5 million defender. And it's safe to say that Kouliaby has become the star in my defence. Maldini is phenomenal and makes crazy blocks, but Kouliaby has this presence to him that really upped my defence up. I play my buddies for money and after Kouliaby joined my team the first thing one of my friends said was that he's a pain to get past. He's fairly tall, but his body type is beastly and he looks big on the field. His positioning is 9/10 times perfect, his standing tackles are phenomenal and simply put, he just stands there and the ball doesn't go past his feet. I've yet to score a header with him, I'm not very good at corners though, but with his header playstyle I can see it being handy. All in all I think he's being slept on at the moment because I don't see many people using him in division rivals. And considering how cheap he is, it's not much of a gamble if you ever decide to sell him. But he's 90 rated, which looks intimidating, nice fancy purple card, 85 pace that with a shadow card puts his pace into the high 90's, 90 defending and 90 physical. Medium High work rates which means he'll usually stay back on defence, he's been outstanding on my team thus far. Highly recommend picking this guy up if you're looking for a fast strong defender.

Great Pace & Feels Fast

Super Strong

Superb Standing Tackles

Header Playstyle+

Decent Passing for Defender


Lack of agility and balance can make him feel a bit clunky

Most likely will need a manager for chem

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (2/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (4/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (10/10)