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Player Review

86 - SBC
A Review of Giovinco SBC
By DxviationFC, 06-01-2018

Played with this team so far in FUT Champs and it is carrying me. I switch in game to 41212(2) and put overmars and Alessandrini at striker, with giovinco playing CAM. I used to have Rui Costa in this position, and I can honestly say Giovinco has performed as well if not better for me. Don't be put off by his low stature (he's only 5'4), he does not often get bodied off the ball and his high agility and balance keep him light on his feet. The SBC was really cheap (futbin overprices it) and it only cost me 15K after all the packs. If you are considering doing the SBC, do it now! Defenders in the MLS are cheap right now and I was sniping bronzes and silvers for minimum throughout the day to finish this for barely anything. Player prices in the MLS will most likely rise this week as more people play with this card and recommend it.

Dribbling is insane, pace is very good despite his sprint speed. Pop a hunter on him, and his pace is incredible. Shooting is a noticeable improvement, worth the coins and he will finish goals inside and outside the box. Passing is very decent for a natural CF, and playing him at CAM is totally viable. He can slot through balls into your strikers with his short passing, and if you are playing him at ST he will have no trouble passing to wingers, CAMs, etc.

His league is a con, and unless you have some icons or Italian players it is hard to fit him into a team. You can use the squad I made, which is relatively expensive. You can also surround him with players like marchisio, insigne, and berrardi in the same formation to get full chem, then finish the team off with a full serie a team. Also, don't expect a target man, he won't win you headers.

Formation: 41212-2
Position: CAM
Games: 20
GPG: 1.45
APG: 0.95
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (8/10)
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