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Player Review

96 - TOTY
Wow! What a card
By benpower85, 16-01-2018

Well... after a debate on why Kane should get in ahead of Neymar with my friends we were glad to see it happen and the 40% EA had didn't go against what the community voted for. I'm lucky enough to have a super team with included 90 R9 and NIF Cristiano Ronaldo as well as a few prime icons from the SBC. I decided to ditch 90 R9 who has been excellent for TOTY Kane and he will be a mainstay in my team with whatever is the best Son card for the rest of this FIFA,

I started off by testing him out in Seasons and he made light work of Boateng a few other very strong CB's. I then tried in the DKT and won all 4 no problem although there was some tougher than normal opponents in there. The best way i can describe him is last year's POTM Ibra but with pace! I can now start using the shield button again and spin off with a low driven in to the corner. It is almost unstoppable inside the box. But that is not all that he is good at. He's 6'2 so is decent at winning goal kicks and great on corners. Sadly he only has 80 jumping and because I wanted to max out his pace, I won't apply a chem style that gives him a bit extra. But that doesn't seem to be too much of a problem for me personally. I was lucky enough to pick him up for 1,551,000 coins on PS4 and he is now back up to 1,700,000+. I think that is value for money compared to how much 90 rated R9 is and comparing his IGS to that of 96 R9 he has him beat as well.

Outside of the nox he doesn't score the crazy goals Cristiano Ronaldo does, but he gives it a very good try! The only issue I have with him is that he doesn't have 4* skills or higher. But instead of doing a skill turn or move I heel-toe kick or Cruyff turn. He's good enough on the ball for that to work. Or quick short passing around the box.

I'm an Arsenal fan, but it pains me to say it; he is brilliant and if you can find the coins and still have a good balance across the team, GET HIM!!! I have 86 Son at LF and 94 CR7 at RF with Prime Rui Costa at RCM to give CR7 7 chem with the strong link because of the bad link that Kane.

In the box he is clinical

Heading from corners is great

he doesn't feel lumpy or slow like other big strikers do

Value for coins compared to other high rated cards

3* skills

Tottenham player ;)

Formation: 4321
Position: ST
Games: 8
GPG: 3.25
APG: 0.63
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (1/10)
Physicality (10/10)
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