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Player Review

92 - SBC
Clinical finisher, but incredible CM
By ArnowithaO, 30-01-2018

I did the SBC the very first day, so I've used Cavani a lot. My predilection formation is 4-3-2-1, playing with a specific defensive player on the left (used Luiz Gustavo, Allan with M/H workrate), a more offensive player in the middle (with M/L or M/H workrate as Fekir, Pogba) and a box to box player (H/H workrate on the right). I've mostly used Cavani in Week-end League so I can assure you he's a competitive player (I make between gold 2 and gold 1 every weeks). I prefer him to FutMas Fabinho that is more defensive and as a BIG lack of shooting.

I actually played 388 games for 209 goals. You can say it's not the best ratio you can see for a striker, but here is the point : I used him about 200 games as a striker (tried engine, hawk, hunter chems), he was brilliant at finishing (scored about 150 goals at this moment) but I felt very unsatisfied about his passing & balance. I think the high/high workrate was also a problem for a striker.

Then, after weeks of hesitation I tried to make him a CM and it was a revelation : workrate is incredible for this position, he's everywhere on the pitch and ball calls are perfect ; 87 agression is very useful even if he gets only 47 defending ; 95 stamina is outstanding (I found it useless for a striker, but for a CM it's perfect). Obviously, the most impressive is his shooting and heading.

So basically, I scored more goals with him as a striker but I prefer him 1000 times as a CM. In this position he's involved in so many goals, not necessary the goal or the set up, but the right call at the beginning that destabilize the opponent. You have to choose the right chem that fit his position and then you're ready to enjoy the show.

Sorry for my english, I hope it will be useful if you hesitate to make this SBC.

  • Pace : Quite fast with the right chem (engine, hawk, hunter)
  • Finishing : in the penalty area, B+B or O+O and it's always in the back of the net ; outside the penalty area, his long-shots are outstanding (scored so many ...)
  • 88 Composure
  • Heading : if you cross on his head with a corner or not, it's 80% goal
  • Positionning + Reaction
  • Stamina
  • Links, you can think it's not, but you can have a strong link with the deadly attack from PSG : Neymar and Mbappe (and all the others from PSG). You can even link him to competitive players as IF Fekir, Suarez, etc...
  • Balance : as a ST I found it very disappointing but not as CM. It's better with Engine chem.
  • Strength : can be disappointing against OP defenders or midfielders, especially Pogba, Bakayoko and all of their kinds, but i know it's the same for everyone
  • Untradeable, but I think it's worth it
Formation: 4321
Position: CM
Games: 388
GPG: 0.54
APG: 0.25
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (6/10)
Physicality (7/10)
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