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Player Review

85 - IF
If you need a spanish RB...
By fatboudebouz, 03-02-2018

Second best RB in La Liga, right behind his teammate SIF Sime Vrsalko. They are actually quite similar players stat-wise, but Sime edges him in most categories (crossing, passing, strength, height, jumping, etc.) by a small amount. This is confirmed in-game, but unfortunately I need a strong link to TOTY Ramos and have been using this card accordingly. If you need a spanish RB, Juanfran is that dude. A clear defensive upgrade from the likes of IF Sergi Roberto, Semedo and Carvajal. Adequate strength, height, link-up play and stamina make this a really good but not exceptional card.

Is he a game-changer? No, but you don't really expect that from a full-back anyways. Makes last ditch tackles at times, rarely gets caught out of position and 89 sprint speed usually makes up for it when he occasionally does. Vrsalko is probably the best right back short of IF Valencia, and Juanfran isn't far behind.

  • Name: Juanfran is a damn cool name if you ask me
  • Sprint speed: Once he gets going, quite difficult to stop
  • Defending work rate: Feels like high/high, to the point where he sometimes doesn't make enough runs in the build-up
  • 3* skills: If you like doing roulettes, this is an advantage over SIF Vrsalko
  • Standing tackle: the tackling ability of a center back

  • Acceleration: Not the quickest off the mark by any means, even with a chemistry style
  • JUMPING: 69 Jumping makes a shadow chemistry style extremely risky, especially if your right CB isn't a tree.
  • Dribbling (balance): His balance is usually fine defensively, but when trying to maneuver around players it shows
Formation: 41212-2
Position: RB
Games: 25
GPG: 0.00
APG: 0.08
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (3/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (8/10)
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