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Player Review

91 - SIF
Solid CB, but moves very high up the pitch
By fotballhode, 28-02-2018

SIF Hummels is a very solid CB. In all honesty he almost never makes a mistake. He doesn't give away cheap penalties or free kicks. He wins almost every header and can score from a corner. His major drawback is his high attacking workrate and slow pace.

He moves very high up the pitch and has at times stood with my CMs in an otherwise normal situation which is a bit worrying from time to time. But I feel that his high composure, positioning and good passing stats makes up for this.

I use a Catalyst chem style on him, which makes him a great CB at passing the ball out to my wingers with his exceptional long passing. The chem style also gives him a needed pace boost. He is however not very quick, so if he's high up the pitch he will be beaten by most strikers with 85+ pace.

To be honest I picked him up in the first week and decided to sell him due to him moving too high up the pitch for my liking. I picked up TIF Ginter instead, but I just missed SIF Hummels, he just never makes a mistake. So I've now bought him back and I don't think I'll change him out.

I would recommend pairing him with a fast CB and a fast Fullback on his side of the pitch.

  • Height
  • Strength
  • Passing
  • Composure
  • Doesn't create many fouls
  • Outstanding tackling from in front or behind an opponent player
  • Threat on corners

  • H/M Workrate
  • Stands high up the pitch
  • Pace
  • Needs to be paired with a fast CB7Fullback
  • Stamina (Not really a problem for a CB though)
Formation: 4231-2
Position: CB
Games: 30
GPG: 0.03
APG: 0.03
Pace (6/10)
Shooting (4/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (6/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (9/10)
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