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Player Review

87 - Holiday Season
Bayerns Croatian lad!
By JohnnCurry, 30-12-2019

Hello readers, this review on Perisic will be based upon a LAM and CAM in a 4231 narrow with the Engine chem as these are the best positions to utilise him. I swapped Perisic out for my RTTF Coman to try out for this review and both are different players of course. Coman being your quick whippet player and Perisic is kind of like a H.Min Son but without the H/H work rates. Perisic offers so much on a plate for the user because due to his M/M work rates, he will just tend to play around in the position you play him. He is a player in your team that won’t move away from his position, unless you use player instructions on him (I would advise to not touch his player instructions in the CAM position in the 4231 Narrow formation). With the Engine, his pace (94), physicality, dribbling (96), ball control (94) and 4*skills and 5*WF stats all combined makes for a great player who will cause your opponent’s issues all game long. The 92 stamina helps with this by a mile! The use of the Engine chem I feel is vital for Perisic as it offers all the boosts needed for the positions I played him in and without this chem, I can’t imagine he would offer the goals and assists as he did in the games he played.

The pros of this card are as followed:

·        Pace – Engine chem boosts his Acc to 92 and Sprint Speed to 95

·        Shooting – Without a chem boost, his base shooting is enough to cause issues against any GK. His powered shots are insane!

·        Ball Control – Man. When he receives the ball, it will just stop at his feet. The ball hardly ever bounced away from him when he applies his first touch!

·        Stamina – He will run all game long!

·        Heading – His Jumping and Heading Accuracy combined offered great attacking Aerial threat and defensive headers.

·        Versatility - He is very versatile in attacking positions. Can play anywhere!

·        4* Skills and 5* WF

·        Cosmetic in game look and has a unique card.

The cons of this card are as followed:

·        Height – His height can be an issue as it hinders his agility (85).

·        Vision – Trying to play a through ball with him is not ideal. FIFA will reward a 50/50 chance of your end player receiving the ball.

·        Finishing – His 1v1 finishing can be a let-down at times. The woodwork was hit quite often.

·        Time and effort – It did take time and effort to complete him but I completed him without even targeting to achieve him.

Formation: 4231
Position: CAM
Games: 10
GPG: 0.80
APG: 1.30
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (4/10)
Physicality (9/10)
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