Absolute fraudulent stats

passing - his passing is just so bad, it's impossible to use the card. Every pass seems to be miss-hit, goes off target or he just doesn't connect with the ball, and don't even get me started on his weakfoot.

Shooting - misses everything on his left, ok finishing on his right but still misses plenty of sitters

pace - feels a bit sluggish compared to like a coman/dembele/werner but is still quick

Dribbling - feels extremely sluggish and like he waits 30 seconds to touch the ball again after each touch. Cannot dribble past even someone like Maguire.

Physical - toothpick with awful stamina.

overall I found this card unusable and would rather use the silver striker I got when I started the game.

Please bare in mind when looking at the stats i have with him 8 of the games and 14 of the goals are in squad battles where I play on ridiculously easy settings so he's only got a 0.5 gpg




everything else

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (3/10)
Dribbling (4/10)
Defending (2/10)
Physicality (3/10)
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