Ok in my opinion this card is amazing for the price. Im waiting for Lukaku to go lower in price to pair them to together but in the meantime he's with Jesus. Whenever there's a breakaway change for me Timos always up in front and I can rely on him do to his high pace but sometimes when there's a huge chance he's just staying in the mid or outside the box. His finishing is not amazing so I put a finisher chem style on him and he shoots pretty well.

Good Pace

With finisher has good shooting

Mostly has good positioning

Sometimes a bit sloppy and doesn't go fast up for the ball and stays where a mid would

His passing

gets pushed off the ball by stronger defenders

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (5/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (4/10)
Physicality (6/10)
Other Reviews
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