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I was skeptical about doing Bergwijn at first being a chelsea fan and the 2 star wf but because he was easy to do i went and did him he is better than i thought he would be (he is brilliant) I played him up top with POTM Benz in a 4222 and lets say he wasnt in Karim's shadow. His pace is obviously good and he can outrun most defenders, his left stick dribbling is what i would say is his best attribute, it feels really nice and smooth and with the 4 star skills he can turn and go past players with ease. His passing does the job does the job for me apart from the occasional hospital pass. His finishing is very good in the box though he does fluff the odd chance on his left foot but this feels to be very rare as his 2 star wf feels more like a 4 star. Overall a fun card which can play well on the wing, CAM or upfront where i played him. he can start or come on as an effective supersub. I very much feel ill enjoy him when icon swaps comes round. (All games played in Div 3 and Champs Qualifiers)


Left stick dribbling

Finishing on right foot (and on left most of the time)

4* skills

2*wf can be annoying but rarely

strength (can get bullied)

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (3/10)
Physicality (4/10)
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