GOAT Super Sub

okay so I used adama as a super sub. The team doesn't have him but at the 75th minute mark I switch him with one of my wingers (usually whoever's lower stamina by then) but I'd prefer to use Adama on the right. Now this card is actually really good at two things and those two things work the best against opponents that chase the game. So if you're up by 1 or so around that time I highly recommend using him.

Adama's greatest strength is his pace. That's very obvious and simple but his combination of strength, pace and dribble mean he'll almost always beat a fullback late in the game. He outmuscles a lot of fullbacks and has some of that special sauce where a player somehow always gets the ball as long as its near him. I previously mentioned I used him on the right because his dribble stats are good but the card just doesn't have good enough to cut in and feel safe so I'd prefer to just run around the guy cos its fucking Adama. Shooting wise I'd say its average but the I have found relatively ok success shooting far post from the right side so I guess its okay. The whole point of the card is to catch the guy on the counter late anyways so scoring isn't super important since at worst he will get you a corner. Laslty, man's surprisingly good at defending or at least winning the ball back. He's ok at doing the Kante type chase down of a guy dribbling and his strength really helps get that ball back.

Sadly this card is very niche. Pass and shooting wise he's okay but idk I really never try to do any of those two things unless I'm 1v1 with the keeper or in a 2v1. He can pass for sweats and hard pass down the baseline but that's pretty much it. His cards hella limited and with the weak foot it's really just meant to do one thing. So basically don't use him for more than like 20-30 mins at most a game. His bad passing and shooting don't help the card and the weak foot and pace only really benefit from more tired enemy players or at least while the guy doesn't expect it because the longer he's on the more aware your opponent will be..

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (6/10)
Passing (4/10)
Dribbling (6/10)
Defending (6/10)
Physicality (8/10)
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