The best cb in Fifa 22

First of all, I'm not English so maybe I write some words bad. I got this guy on a gold upgrade and since then I started using him. My luck rised when on another gold upgrade I got Mukiele RTTK and I imagined my defense with a Kimpembe in the middle of them. But I didn't have too much coins because I don't spend money in FIFA so I chose RTTK Diop instead. But he is a god. He does everything well. You can think that he is quite small for being a cb but he is very good physically and he runs as fast as fuck. Then I sold Diop and I bought Kimpembe instead and with 10 chem is absolutely incredible. I bought Donnarumma and meanwhile Donnarumma didn't want to save the shoots from my rivals, Marquinhos was doing everything well. I have never seen everything like that in any cb in my live. I totally recomend it to you if you have the coins for buying him, and I hope that PSG wins this year UEFA Champions League. And if you want to try him, use him with shadow or with anchor.

He is fast.

He defends extremelly well.

His heading is good.

His pass isn't bad at all.

His stats and rating can upgrade.

He has a little poor stamina.

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (6/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (9/10)
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