Ibi Sangaré!
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Hello, this is a review of one of my favourite players: ''Ibrahim Sangaré''

First I used his rulebreaker card. Despite him being my favourite player, I didn't liked the card. He just have the physicality that he has irl.

A few weeks passed and was waiting a long time for a new PSV special card. But then finally he was there: My ordered PSV special card!!

First I thought it was going to be Bruma POTM, but no, it was ''Ibi the Beast''. I was very happy and immidiatly did the sbc and wow what a card.

He feels like kessie ig but better!

His pace is fine for the cdm position. I don't shoot a lot with my cdm's but his long shots are OP! He also comes in the box a lot and scores a few goals here and then. His passing is ok, not as good as his rulebreaker of course but fine. His dribbling stats are also fine but he doesn't feel that agile on the ball (so an engine chemistry style is recommended if you want to fix his balance!). His defending is so good! I used a lot of good cards in the game but Sangaré just feels different because of his height. Intercepts everything and tackles everyone he can find! His stamina and strength are superb. with that 98 strength he pushes everyone of the ball and that stamina is just lovely. He also is everywhere on the pitch! If someone comes up (with their Mbappe, Neymar etc.), he just teaches them a lesson.

Conclusion: Do this SBC and you will not regret it! And if you can't fit him in your team, then at least put him as defensive super-sub!

(sorry for the bad English Grammer, I am dutch so sorry!)


  • Interceptions
  • Tackles
  • Strength
  • Stamina
  • Workrates
  • 4* WF
  • Shotpower
  • PSV player of course ;)
  • none, he is just so all round!
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (6/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Other Reviews
Ibrahim Sangaré
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take his base stats & apart from 5 on pace- he’s better around than baby Vieira, including the 4* WF Upgrade.I’ve used the Vieira card this year & the comparison is fair. He’s basically a sideways wondering back four shield, even possessing that “leg wrap” tackle seen on Vieira/Varane. The 91 stamina sounds high, but his work rate is such- he’s near red bar at the end of normal play.Attack wise, his long shot is crisp & he do...
Ibrahim Sangaré
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Best cdm ever
best cdm i have used he is just as good as he is in real life. intercepts every ball and bangs the ball in like a bullet from the edge of the box. just like real life his passing is absolutely goated and he heads every corner behind the goalie.