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I used Lukaku for only four games but he felt a bit heavy and I didn't get the feeling of strength on the ball I would've wanted. I had packed Aubameyang, Werner, and Jesus too so once I was unhappy with Lukaku I quickly moved on to Werner who felt much better. Quicker, more agile dribbling was what I was looking for in a strike, and Lukaku was unable to deliver that feeling. If you want a striker who can run a a straight line like a Ford F-150 and just absolutely rocket one across the face of the goal, great choice, but if you want a bit cleaner of a feel, I recommend looking elsewhere

  • Shooting (especially power)
  • Hold up play (passing backwards and then running off it)
  • Strength (less than what I expected but great nonetheless)
  • Agility and balance
  • Strength (in the sense I expected more)
  • Pace at times, needed a hunter for the extra pace boost, but if you choose engine you won't get as fast of a striker
Pace (7/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (4/10)
Physicality (8/10)
Other Reviews
Romelu Lukaku
Big Rom
So, where should I start... I absolutely enjoyed this incredible monster!
Romelu Lukaku
What a beast!
Lukaku is a beast in the box and has made this game fun again. His finishing is amazing - with his feet or his head. It's so much fun to have heading back in fifa...and Lukaku is the man you want to play with to smash in goals.I used Engine chem style because I was skeptical of his dribbling and balance. I may try him with a hunter just to see what happens!
Romelu Lukaku
this card shocked me when i first played with it. Before i packed this card i just used firmino and he was fine nothing special, but when i started to use this card games just went so much better. i scored more goals thanks to lukaku of course. he just started scoring hatricks, goals and assits it was amazing. he really helped out the team and honestly this card is amazing