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He is insane, like realllly insane. I used him at left striker aside Chiesa in FUT CHAMPS and DIV 3 and 2 Rivals. His frame and height make him harder to push off the ball than I initially thought. Shooting is unreal, because of the 5 star WF especially. Gets slightly better shooting animations than CR7 himself sometimes. Shot power is RIDICULOUS. don't reference the attribute, its 99 regardless of the chemistry style. Especially turning around he can generate a lightning strike to the other corner of the goal with ease. Pace is more than enough, same with his passing. RARELY he feels clunky on the ball during bad gameplay, but It does happen every so often. Never runs out of gas, even in OT. He is 150k better than his gold card I guarantee you. Absolutely class player and is the best striker I've used all year. Is on Ronaldo and Suarez level if not better.



Surprising Strength




Clunky sometimes in bad gameplay

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (4/10)
Physicality (7/10)
Other Reviews
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The Korean Rocket
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Heung Min Son
absolute beast as st/cam
I have used this man as of last night around 7 with an engine to max out dirbbling passing and pace and oh my what a beast he scores everything his shot power is mad and his dribbling is top tier, he is a little bit slower than you think though i am not too sure why.
Heung Min Son
Let's start with the fact that I hit this gentleman in 75+pick, yes I know I'm a fooking lucky guy but finally fifa gave back what they haven't given for 7 years. After collecting my jaws, I added this monster to my lineup at the speed of light and the ride began... Green son (or shrek son as I call him) is amazing. I played his regular card before and it was good but RTTK sweeps regular Son off the board. I play him in the C...