Donnarumma horrible
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i packed Donnarumma from a small league upgrade pack and was of course very happy. I directly wanted to use him since i thought his gold card was quite good already, so this TOTY version obviously had to be better. That was not the case somehow. Donnarumma is a perfect example of how stats can lie to you. This is supposed to be the best keeper in the game and he’s close to the worst keeper i’ve used so far this FIFA. I played about 10 games with him in WL Qualification to test him out and not once did he make a save in a 1v1. From distance he’s alright but still hasn’t been better for me than Courtois IF. Even gold Neuer is better.


Reflexes in 1v1 (somehow)

He dives underneath the ball 24/7

Never saves with his feet

Donnarumma TOTY in your team is equal to being 2-0 down from kickoff

Pace (5/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (5/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (5/10)
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