A fu*king beast

I know it's too late to write a review on this player but I started playing fifa only by Christmas. I had a basic La liga squad and I was in need of a striker. Then I saw Isak. He was fairly cheap to my surprise and even tho I don't like attackers that are too tall and don't have good agility and dribbling, I was like ok I'll try him. And oh god was he amazing. I put engine on him and played him on 10 chem. This guy just has everything. He's fast, with engine he's also really agile for his height. The tall and slim body type combo is OP af. He wins so many headers I don't even remember the last time I had a striker that could score so many goals from headers. Also shooting. Left foot, right foot - doesn't FU*KING matter. He can score with both without a problem. With engine, he's more agile than I'd expect and doing skill moves with him (also the 4* skill moves is great) was no problem. This guy is just the perfect striker. BUT the best thing is that he just can score IN ANY WAY you need. Header, left foot, right foot, long range, short range, dribble through and score, ANYTHING. If you can use him properly he can turn into a deadly striker. (btw. don't look at my games/goals ratio with him because I quit a lot of games because of friendlies)




With engine great dribbling




Tall + slim body type combo

Composure (sometimes he missed such a clear chance to score that I was shaking my head)

Long passes (not much of a con if you play him as a sole striker)

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (6/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Other Reviews
Alexander Isak
Broken. Well and truly broken.
Before this card was released, I was playing with his 700 coin gold card in my 1.5 million coin team and loving him. So, this card came out and I could not pass it up. He's a marked improvement on that card, and his Gold card is very very overpowered this year. There are 2 ways to play this card and I honestly believe that you need to play him 1 way over the other to enjoy the most success. Most people I have seen play him th...
Alexander Isak
Firstly, when I see this card I had immediately bought him. It's difficult to link him but I try Ljungberg, dembele and Depay IF.I begin my futchamp with and I see a broken player. Finess Shot, Power Shot, Header, Right Foot, Left Foot, Fast and Strong, this card is insane. I play him striker in 4231 or 451(2).If you like try some other player buy him now !
Alexander Isak
Can shoot from every angle
He is definitely one of the best "Big" strikers in the game. He is incredible at shooting from every angle, even if he is marked tightly. He can feel a bit clunky especially if you have a bad connection, but when he speeds up he is extremely quick and hard to get off the ball. I have scored many goals just running at the defence because they couldn't speed up and follow with him. He is a great alternative (maybe even better) ...