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Ive used this card at left cb in a back 3 along toty dias and otw upamacano (who is also cracked). I chose his cdm because overall it was a better card and if I ever wanted to use him at cdm I could. With a shadow his cdm card is actually better than his cb at cb imo. Anyway I have used chalobah in div 2 and champs in which i consistently get 11 wins. And trust me this card is insane, he feels rapid in game and his tackling is very on point. A positive that comes with the cdm is the boosted dribbling which is very handy when he breaks into midfield with the ball passing into mid cruyff. Imo this card is a must do and is very handy even if hes just in your club, its is time but at the end of the day it can be completed in rivals which is handy.

pace - 8/10 (not as quick as toty dias obvs)

tackling - 9/10

dribbling - 10/10

height - 10/10

shooting - 3/10

passing - 6.5/10

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (3/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (8/10)
Other Reviews
wtf!!!! this card is broken. feels like vieira and dribbling is so nice for a tall guy for a free card its a must do even if he doesnt fit MAKE HIM.
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