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One of the worst GK I have used this year. Every shot that he faces he either dives out of the way of the ball, or parries the ball write to the feet of the second striker. His distribution is useless as well. Whether I am throwing or kicking it, the ball will always somehow end up back in the opponents possession. AVOID THIS CARD AT ALL COSTS and buy someone like Ederson, Alisson, Lloris or even Areola.

  • Prem Links
  • Distribution
  • Handling
  • Scared to get in the way of the ball
  • Quite hard to link outside of the Premier League
  • He plays for Chelsea
Pace (1/10)
Shooting (1/10)
Passing (1/10)
Dribbling (1/10)
Defending (1/10)
Physicality (1/10)
Other Reviews
Édouard Mendy
Easily the best prem keeper right now. I bought him for 37k and swapped him for Ederson. ( I've also used Alisson.) My reasoning for doing this was just because Mendy had better card stats than Ederson aside from kicking which I boosted with a WALL chem style. He is also 6'6" compared to Ederson's 6'2". I was expecting good things but nothing like I experienced with the 30 games I played with Mr. Edouard Mendy.This guy saves ...
Édouard Mendy
One of the best keepers
Whel, to start of, he is a beast, I already used almost all the meta keepers, but this keeper has something diferent, I played all the WL and the qualify with him, and he was a absolutely a beast, he is one of the best keepers for long to medium shots in the area, sometimes 1x1, but still leaves some times, in overall, he was a machine and so far the best keeper for Prem and maybe for the game, used him with basic, you can tr...
Édouard Mendy
He's absolutely cracked
He's absolutely cracked. I play him on Basic and he regularly has a 7-9 rating in Elite Div and Fut Champs whilst making 7-8 saves every other match against good players.He regularly makes saves against most forms of long shots including finesses and even with his 40 speed he seems to rush out of goal fairly well if the opponents attacking player takes a slightly heavy touch (mainly the animation that makes him spread his bod...