The true Cheap Messi

This guy is probably going to be the closest thing we get to a messi under 50k. He really lives up to the name. I used him as a CAM in a 41212(2) with hunter chem style on 10 chem, stay forward as his instructions. All games played between div 5 and div 4.

Out of all the players I have used in this game (I have hella reviews in the past 2 days just to show i guess) he probably has the best value for money out of anyone. His dribbling is impeccable, so smooth and is definitely the closest dribbling to Messi I have used so far (yes i have used Messi), but I haven't touched any icons yet so idk about them. His passing is also really accurate, especially his first time passes and his R1 + x passes. Finesse shots are to be abused with this card. If you take anything from this review, take this: SHOOT FINESSE SHOTS FROM OUTSIDE THE BOX WITH DYBALA. Do it for your own good. He is incredible at them, almost never misses the top corner. His inside the box finishing is good, but when I used Dybala I didn't fully figure out how to score inside the box, so I can't judge that fully. His pace is good enough for a cam, and from what I have played against also good enough for striker, yet he is no pace demon. Only negatives I would say is that he is weak and gets tired pretty quickly, but that is expected considering he is really small and nimble in game, it is part of the Dybala package. I recommend you have a solid substitution for him as I think he should be subbed off by the 70-75 mins. This meta really suits him and I fully recommend to get him if you can.


Passing very accurate

Messi-esque dribbling

Solid pace

Value for money is insane, plays like a 300k card


Stamina, should have a solid sub for him

Weak foot isn't the best, he can still score with his right foot inside the box, but I wouldn't recommend shooting outside the box with his weak foot, also passing is fine with weak foot

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (1/10)
Physicality (4/10)
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