Worst Ronaldo out of all FIFA's

I have used Ronaldo for over 2 weeks now (got him in an untradable pack) and all I can say is that I miss the old Ronaldo from FIFA 16-21. This year he is completely washed. He can't run properly and is really weak. I have tried him with hunter and with engine but I think hunter is better because of his pace downgrade. In all of my Weekend League games he probably missed 1/3 of opportunities Mbappe would've scored. It's a shame what EA has done to him now...

Also other players jump higher than him on corner kicks. Is EA watching football? This downgrade makes him unplayable and I wish I would've packed Mbappe instead.

  • Shooting (It's alright)
  • 5* Skills (Even tho his dribbles are way worse with 74 balance)
  • Dribbling (Everything okay besides 74 balance)
  • Crazy freekicks and shot power

  • Big Pace downgrade! (Can't outrun several players)
  • Gets bodied everytime (No chance with his strength)
  • Bad runs (Had to use L3 + R3 to get better runs)
  • Terrible Low driven shots (Only 25% going in)

Pace (5/10)
Shooting (8/10)
Passing (6/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (1/10)
Physicality (4/10)
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