Swedish Viking
ByUser(userId=UserId(userId=4659396), [email protected], username=eddieshreddie, favoritePlayer=IdAtYear(id=PlayerCardId(id=21972), year=FutYear(year=22)), favoriteClub=IdAtYear(id=ClubId(id=22), year=FutYear(year=22)), favoriteNation=IdAtYear(id=NationId(id=14), year=FutYear(year=22)), passwordHash=$2y$10$Jfvtbi3QcJ.ve2ghHUvo3e1j9Y/zbj2XQeUGJi8/h9aK7n0Y4l0PW, lastAccessed=2024-06-09T16:07:05Z, rememberMeToken=e1e5c2938af790f9229148ebad00e07e2af0a3a8f69fdbd61cc7632b1e68e822d25f51faf328f67b11b0c138021fd35236fd5942bd2917cbdc09d5d612cb65b5, rememberMeExpiry=2024-07-01T10:10:06Z, forgotPasswordToken=null, forgotPasswordRequestTime=null, forgotPasswordExpiryTime=null, mobileToken=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mdXRiaW4ub3JnIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvZnV0YmluLm9yZyIsImlhdCI6MTY5MTg4NDk0OSwibmJmIjoxNjkxODg0OTQ5LCJleHAiOjE2OTcxNTUzNDksImRhdGEiOnsidXNlcklkIjo0NjU5Mzk2LCJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6ImVkZGllc2hyZWRkaWUifX0.zse_2fvRnk9Y40AVLXg9r_CTwH3keb0dgFi5Nd1UiMI, mobileLastAccessed=2023-08-13T00:02:29Z, pendingChangeEmail=null, changeEmailToken=null, changeEmailRequestTime=null, changeEmailExpiryTime=null, verified=true, verifyToken=null, verifyRequestTime=null, verifyExpiryTime=null, commentsApproved=true, joinDate=2021-11-18, dateOfBirthDay=null, dateOfBirthMonth=null, dateOfBirthYear=null, marketing=false, termsOfServiceAndPrivacyConsent=true, accessLevel=null, apiUserPhoneId=35285, twitterUsername=, facebookUsername=, twitchUsername=, youtubeUsername=, playstationUsername=, showPlaystationUsername=false, xboxUsername=Dazerrrr, showXboxUsername=false, pcUsername=, showPcUsername=false, hideProfile=false)13-05-2022

Did him yesterday with low expectation because I have never used him but OH MY GOD. He definitely deserves a place in Valhalla.

Just shoot and you have already won, good strength and works well with his body type. Has some amazing volleys whenever he has the opportunity, also wins headers a lot. Great passing, especially short and quick passes, very accurate.

Maybe 4 star 4 star could cause some problems but not for me.

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (8/10)
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