The french maestro

I have tried Camavinga during all my games in the early acces 10h trial which unfortunately has ended, but I decided to write a little review here for this community. I'm going to start with saying that I have used him as a dm in many different formations with an anchor slapped on him and he is a beast on the midfield. You may think his pace is too low but it feels like he is on some hard shit when running past everyone like I'm facing a bunch of disabled 10 year olds. He is like Usain Bolt so don't let the pace foul you. There are often balls that bounces of someone or a slow pass and camavinga is always there to pick the ball up. It just feels like he is at the right place in the right time at all times. I used mckennie next to him in most of my games but had to get rid of him for chemistry and the fact that I wanted to try de paul badly. He was also very good but I don't think you can even compare the two of them. Camavinga feels quicker even though he has lower pace and his passing is fenomenal and he will be in my team for the coming weeks maybe even longer. If he gets an IF or something the entire fifa community is pretty much fucked.

speed with ball

positioning in the midfield


sexy hair


good links


not the strongest but it hasn't affected how he plays

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (6/10)
Other Reviews
can't complain when free
ok im div 5 (sorry i'm not in the 99.9% of futbin people who are div 2 or above lol) and a casual player.got this card for free and tried him a few games with a guardian chem style (wasn't gonna use my rare shadow or good styles on him). just wanted to complete the promo's milestone event. he kinda suprised me at how he goes into duels and frequently wins the ball. having a laliga squad, i tried him replacing llorente at cdm...
What a card this is! I've used him more than 150 games right now and this man is still my CDM in division 3. He's really solid and is very agile too, which makes him very easy to use. As Real Madrid will probably win quite a lot of games in the upcoming months, this card will definitely be insane. He dominates the midfield for me with a shadow.
camavinga the agile
Soooo, i got camavinga on party bag, i admit i wasnt so exited from him in the first place, he just entred as a sub instead my fantasy tonali, enentually hes beat him in the starting 11.plays next to gullit prime on stay back and aggressive interseption, he hold the defensive part of the midfield.hes have a lot more presence then tonali and hes more agiile then him.