Well this card is a good silver GK

This Guy has a deserved Tots. He just played well this season so its deserved.

I got him in one of those Ligue 1 Upgrade Packs. I was ok with him because he is 94 rated and a great idea to link with with french CBs. So good Idea.

This man is really one of the worst GKs i ever played. Maybe more disappointing than the 98 rated Buffon in Fifa 18. This Card ist just shit. If a striker shots he cant save the ball. If the opponent will shot he just tries to catch the ball and it goes into the goal. Well i played this silver irish goalkeeper from liverpool before. He was better.

This is insame EA is not possible to let the players perform as the rating is.

Good SBC Fodder


Really bad Goalkeeper

Touches the ball but it always getting in.

Not possible that he saves the ball

Pace (5/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (5/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (5/10)
Other Reviews
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Best Ligue 1 keeper irl and in Fifa
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