He isn't immobile anymore!

First of all, english isn't my first language, so sorry for any missspelling.

Anyway, i got this badboy out of my redpicks with Tonali. At first, i just put him into the team, to link Tonali because he looked sick. Im not a fan of clunky Strikers like Benz, Lewa, Vlahovic etc. but jesus, this guy. He is phenomenal. I would go as far as saying, that he is the best Striker i have used in Fifa 22. To put my experience in numbers, i've played about 2500 Matches in total and i'm in elite Division at 1900 Rating. I've played Cruyff, Rodrygo Showdown, Zaha TOTS, Siuuu 2nd POTM, Eusebio mid, Mabppe and a few more solid Strikers in the past, but Immobile is different.

His pace is good, nothing special It'll get you past de defenders tho.

His shooting ist absolutly fantastic. He is the Definition of a Autoshooter. I've played Lewa TOTY before. and his shooting is a joke compared to Immobiles.

Because i put Artist on him, his passing was really good. 96 short passing was really helpful to make them counter attacks with Siuuu and him.

But the thing that suprised me the most. his dribbling is absolutly cracked. I know how this sounds, because we're still speaking about Immobile, but he has this Mbappe trait that he never loses the ball and his left stick is incredible So, if you're like me, who doesn't need to use 5 star skills, his dribbling is fantastic.

His physicality is also decent. Its not that easy to get the ball from him. But i guess that is what you'd expect from a Immobile.

So to finish it, probably the most undercover Striker in the game, because come on, who see's Immobile in the Opponents Team and thinks, "oh no".



-Dribbling (yes i am still speaking about Immobile)


Nothing really, if you know how to use him, Immobile is a monster

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (1/10)
Physicality (8/10)
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