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I was looking for a card to replace Fred in my team and had my eye on his IF since he dropped. I decided to buy him and after 30 games I'm impressed with how good he is for the price. (Bought at 12.5K). He's paired with Kante (who I packed) in the midfield and they both scoop up so many interceptions and he bullies my opponents.

After the number of games I've played across Rivals (Div 3 - was div 5 when I bought him), i can understand why he's the cheap Vieira

  • Passing - his passing is quite good, especially his long passes.
  • Tackling & Interceptions - both really solid and help you recover the ball really well.
  • Strength - With his build/height and stats he has more than enough to fight for the ball.
  • Height

  • 3*3*
  • Can feel clunky in bad gameplay at times

Pace (7/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Other Reviews
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Aurélien Tchouaméni
Tchou good for the price
Well, first review that I have done, hopefully it is not too bad! Packed this little gem in multiple untradeable packs and figured that I might as well give him a go and boy was I pleased with the result! He replaced the FB Kante for me that had been in my squad for ages, so a very different player, I play in a 41212(2) with him at CDM. He was a lot more agile than I expected, not quite as quick as Kante but I did not expect ...
Aurélien Tchouaméni
what a beast
Packed him today from grinding some leagues, more of a reason for everybody to do leagues this year. I used his 82 early on in the game and loved him, this card is no different. Partnered him with toty Kante in a 4231 as the two cdms, and it works so well. They are both amazing all round and Kante's insane defending allows Tchouameni to get forward a lot. The increase on skills to 4 star is a big improvement and the way he is...