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I'm sure most people would choose this card purely because of the insane 99 pace and 98 shooting. I needed a ST in my team so i decided to obviously go for this one and thankfully he is absolutely insane!! In 6 games of weekend league he scored 12 goals and got 1 assist, winning me 4 out of the 6 games I've played so far. Definitely worth the 450k price tag.

For highlights of this card you can visit my youTube channel "KLN STUDIOS" - video title : "THE BABYFACED ASSASIN! SOLSKJÆR!-97 RATED LW SHAPESHIFTERS OLE GUNNAR SOLSKJÆR REVIEW - FIFA 22"

Heading onto the stats:

Pace: absolutely ridiculous, it's 99 and feels like it to be honest :) . 10/10 for pace

Shooting: The man scores almost everything. Unfortunately for me he hit the post from long shots every now and then but that's not his fault. People try to prevent his shots as much as possible because the shooting is just that good. 9.9/10 for shooting

Passing: I know this version is supposed to be "worse" at passing than the CAM version, but the passing on this card with an engine chem style(which is what i used) is really really good. I thgiink taking the CAM is pointless because honestly the passing can't really get much better than this haha. 9.5/10

Dribbling: again, not meant to be the strongpoint of this card, but it's certainly very good as well. At first i couldn't dribble with him for the life of me, but after learning how to use this card properly and knowing when to use his speed and when not to - he was able to ease past defenders. 9.7/10

Physical: surprisingly pretty good. Can hold his own against smaller defenders but will get bodied by someone like Van Dijk/Varane. 9/10

I do recommend this card over the CAM card . With the engine chem style on this card, the passing and dribbling on the CAM is negligible because it's THAT GOOD on this card anyway! The Shooting and pace boost that a hunter chem style will give you on the CAM card however will not be sufficient to get that card shooting like it's LW counterpart. Therefore I think the LW would be the better option , especially for a ST position.



Long shots

Attack positioning

short passing

long passing


finesse shots





Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (9/10)
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