Gabriel Jesus
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I sometimes use him instead of TOTS Mbappe, Mbappe is way better but Gabriel Jesus is smaller and I like small players

I like Gabriel Jesus he feels very good in game he agile and rapid and the shooting is pretty good too, If you want a free good ST you should definitely use him


4* weak foot, no outside foot shot trait or finesse shot trait

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (3/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Other Reviews
Gabriel Jesus
This card is fantastic.. as a City fan, I had to get this card immediately when I saw it. he single-handedly changed my team and wins me games on his own. I move him to ST in-game in a 4222 next to Haaland, Jesus is the best player on my squad. I have used him for 43 games, and he has me 50 goals and 10 assists, all in division 4/5 and FUT champs play-in. I used his gold card the very first couple of days of FIFA, and that ca...
Gabriel Jesus
OMG Top 3 best players of fifa rn
After trying out many different strikers and both Gabriel Jesus ice and fire cards I can safely say that OMG ice Gabriel Jesus is the best striker in the game. His finishes are so clinical, he barely misses a shot, and with his 4-star weak foot that feels like a 5 star his left foot shoots never disappoint. After 120 games he has 130 goals and 34 assists and I bet you over half of the goals were with his left foot. But as I s...
Gabriel Jesus
Review On Ice Gabriel Jesus
This guy is a CHEAT CODE after trying out various strikers in the Premier League I can say this guy is the best, players like IF Mane ,Robbie Keane, CR7, and Jesus Fire Are NOWHERE near this man. His finishes are so clinical, he barely misses a shot, and with his 4 Star WF that feels like a 5 Star, his left foot shots never disappoint. After 82 Games in Elite Division and FUT Champions he has 79 goals and 24 assists and I c...