The Worst Keeper I have ever used.
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Here we go. This is my first ever review on FUTBIN, but it honestly had to be done because he is just so bad this year.

My Lloris has played about 18 games at this point, and after giving him too many chances, he is now being sold to make way for someone new

He has poor judgement, seems extremely slow to move in-game, does not like to catch the ball and always parries it out, which often causes rebounds. Constantly off his line, and he is a mess from crosses. Honestly, avoid him at ALL costs. Use anyone else but him.

There is literally none. He's cost me at least 10 games because of how poor he is.

- Slow off his line

- Parries the ball too much

- Very bad positioning

- Slow reaction times

- Diving is poor.

Pace (5/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (5/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (5/10)
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