Unreal CDM

This man is just the perfect cdm in this game, the fact he's 1k is ridiculous. Its at the point in the cycle now where I'm coming up against insane p2w teams in champs and Can still bosses the midfield game in game out.

  • price
  • work rates
  • pace with shadow
  • stocky body type makes him so strong in the tackle
  • defensive positioning

  • can feel a bit clunky very occasionally
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Other Reviews
Emre Can
Can The Tank
I know, maybe his acceleration is a huge turn off... But let me tell you, I could still catch up to many fast players; he doesn't need to be right in front of them to bully them of the ball, with his huge strength with just a touch, he causes players to have a disbalance, causing them to lose the ball. His surprisingly agile, even if you miss a tackle, he can quickly get in position and get it back. His shooting is amazing, I...
Emre Can
Haven't played a better BuLi-CDM up to now
Bought him at the beginning of FIFA 22 (now in Division Rivials Div. 3, so no super player, but constantly moving forward) and I have lately tried to replace him in my all-BuLi squad, but I haven't found a better player. His defending skills are great, as a CDM he fucks up the top opponents who are trying to outrun or fool him with dribblings. His interceptions are game-changing, allowing my team to start counterattacks. I ha...
Emre Can
Solid CM
A brilliant non meta cm as he does as his card suggests and is a great all-rounder. Best features are obviously great tackling/defending and physicality. Not the greatest pace or dribbling but is good enough as you don't really notice it as a weakness ingame. Passing and shooting is great too.