A midfield boss as he is in real life

I'll try to make this review as short as possible. Verrati is a player I admire IRL because of his playstile so this kinda was a no brainer for me.

Played many games already with him and despite the 72 pace he feels way faster, a dribble god, great defending, intercepting beast. If you're like me that you like to try players out of the meta and enjoy new cards, don't think it twice.

The aggression and strenght makes Verrati feel so good, moves out of the ball most of the players, and personally I like my midfield to have high dribble stats. Shooting is bad, but besides that and height, hes the second best CM I have tried this year after Kante. I run him with shadow since most of the times he's my CDM.

He has good passing but don't expect to him to send 50 yard lob balls and get it right. Overall such a awesome card for what I think is really cheap (124k when I did it)

  • High dribble
  • Awesome defending
  • Good passing.
  • Nice pace (feels faster than what the cars says)
  • Height
  • Shooting
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (3/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Other Reviews
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