One of the best attackers under 500k
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Although I was unsure to do this card even though Napoli is one of my favourite fans, I was even more unsure which version of Mertens to take. I played his gold at striker earlier this year and loved him so the fire was tempting. But I decided I would play him cam behind Benzema and fekir. First few games I didn't like him, he would just get bullied off the ball every time anyone got near him around the middle of the park. I got so sick that I decided to switch my formation to try and fit him into the team. I switched to a 4-4-1-1. Playing him at cf behind Fekir seemed to completely unlock him. He was suddenly scoring 2 or 3 goals every game in division 1 and assisting for fun. He was so good in fact, that he single-handedly carried my attack in my charge from rank 3 of div 1 to elite division without losing or drawing a single game along the way. This all happened nearly a week ago mind but I still wanted to tell the story. He is still bossing my attack. His shooting is genuinely incredible. God knows how good it is on the fire card considering some of the scorchers he's scored under pressure from kimpembe and marquinhos. All in all, once you work out how to use this card (abuse left stick dribbling and suddenly pressing R2/LT to accelerate) you will have one of the best non-icon attackers in the game. He will not be leaving my team any time soon.

Pace: The acceleration on this card is honestly mind-boggling. If you run at a defender without holding sprint then hold sprint as soon as they come forward he just teleports past them, the fastest acceleration of any player under 1m that I've used on this game.

Shooting: The shooting on this card is incredible. He scores shots that just should not be scored. You don't need the shooting boost of the fire card because the shooting and finishing on this card are incredible ingame (if you are planning on using him striker I would take the fire version though as I imagine that card literally cannot miss)

Passing: This guy threads some of the most perfect through balls you'll ever see on FIFA. The real stand out for me is his over the top balls though which is surprising as his long passing is only 80, he completely outplays that stat.

Dribbling: The silliest player that I have ever used. Hands down. On any fifa

Finesse shots: This guy can whip finesse shots into the top corner alongside everything else with the finesse shot trait. Scored a few with his weaker foot for me as well.

Strength This guy could be bundled over by a relatively average gust of wind.

Stamina: His stamina is the biggest issue with this card, by the 70th minute you can feel the difference and by the 80th minute all you're really going to be doing with him is taking long shots or passing. This is the most prominent reason that I put him in the cf position as he doesn't have to run back on defence but also doesn't have to press defenders and honestly it works a treat. He maintains a lot more stamina.

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (4/10)
Physicality (2/10)
Still use this wonderful man.
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This man. What a wonderful man. Never took him out of my team once since completing the sbc. Always comes through in big moments. My friends right now make fun of me for using him but I don't care. He helped me get to div 2 in rivals and finish 12-8 in champs finals, really something I never thought was possible. Agility/Dribbling is pretty crazy since he is 5'7". Lets just get to pros and cons.

-Super Agile, good dribbling.

-Seems like he has 200 finishing.

-Since this is the ice version, his passing is way better than any normal ST (at least that's where I play him).

-Really good at checking to the ball and then making good runs through.

-Not great defending if you want to play him CAM.

-Not strong at all, so don't use him if you like a big body.

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (2/10)
Physicality (2/10)