Oh Dinho My King
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24 users liked this review

I packed this demon in a standard moments pick about a month ago and since that day my games just feel so much easier. I've been playing FIFA for 6 years and I've never played with a card this saucy. Skill moves are the best in the game, his shots fly in regardless of where they're taken from, he can easily play any of the attacking positions perfectly due to his dribbling, pace and passing, and his strength is just a bonus. His animations are so realistic: the way he runs, the way he regains balance, his sharp turns, his flair touches and finishes that he does without me even asking him to sometimes. The card is just perfect.

His passing is ridiculous, even without a boost. He can ping it anywhere on the pitch. The shots are just insane on the hawk chem style and his pace/dribbling combo is unstoppable. His physicals are far better than the stats suggest. I have used numerous top tier number 9s with 90+ strength (Lewa 97, benz 98, Suarez 96...) and he feels stronger and even seems to be more aggressive in shoulder to shoulder challenges. He doesn't run out of stamina even in extra time and he wins a stupid amount of headers (his heading acc is also a lie).

This card is just such a joy to play with. I feel so lucky to have gotten him for free, I mean I would easily pay 10 mil for this card. He's stupidly good and brings the joy back to the game.




Insane Strength

Outside Foot Shots

Finesse Shots

Flair Trait


Long Passing

Shot Power

I would say the price is a con but he's completely worth every penny

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (4/10)
Physicality (10/10)