Every attacker in his back pocket
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So I decided to try out Tyrell Malacia in FIFA after his amazing performances in real life and to be honest, I wasn't expecting him to be so good. With a shadow chemistry style on 10 chemistry, he feels much faster than 91 pace. He was able to keep up with the likes of Futties Salah, just like how well he played against Liverpool in real life. His dribbling was also really good for a fullback and his passing was out of this world. His only problem was the physical, as his 5'7" height meant that he was bullied sometimes, similar to Shapeshifter Cordoba.

Pace: Feels much faster than 91 with a shadow

Dribbling: Felt very similar to cordoba who is small but can turn very fast to get out of trouble

Passing: Could execute simple passes and sometimes longer ones too

Defending: He seemed very able to read the play and intercept passes. Malacia was also able to put in some perfect tackles.

Physical: Being short did not help him be strong. He was sometimes bullied by stronger attackers like Benzema or Ginola, but he was still able to defend decently well

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (6/10)