Underrated card
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Bobby is one of my favourite players so i had to try him out this year. Dont let the mediocre stats fool you this card is insane. I have had 0 issues with this card at all playing him as a cam in 4231 and CF in 4411 with him registering assists almost every game and banging in goals 2/3 games. 5* star skills isnt as prevelant this fifa but nonetheless useful and his shooting is an absolute lie. I dont think hes actually missed a good chance yet (28 games played) and has scored screamers. And his attacking AI is just beautiful. Makes the perfect runs into the box that are slightly delayed so hes always onside and meets the ball at the perfect time. The fact that he has defensive capabilities is also huge bonus as he often wins the ball high up the pitch. Bought him for 12k which in my eyes is an absolute steal, easily best cam for atm for his value

  • Attacking AI - my favourite part about his card
  • Shooting - somehow feels better than last fifa even with a downgrade
  • Passing - not de bruyne but had been super solid
  • Pace - fast enough with a hunter that he doesn't get caught easily but no mbappe by any means
  • links - nice hyper link with fabinho and brazil links
  • 5* 4*
  • price
  • Physicals - stamina is good and can out muscle some defenders
  • agility - a bit of a stretch was noticeable compared to other players ive used but 90 ball control and 89 dribbling makes up for this
  • pace - although this was a pro i think i have to list it as a con aswell. On the counter attack you cant rely on him being able to beat it past players such as kyle walker but again this is a stretch as if he had 90 pace he would be one of the best players in the game
Pace (7/10)
Shooting (8/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (7/10)
Physicality (9/10)