Great CB

Hot take: he is better than TOTY VVD.

I have been using TOTY VVD since I packed him on the last day of TOTY. However 2 weeks ago I noticed him getting outpaced frequently. It pained me greatly but because of his slowness I had to drop him from the team. (also for chem too bc I was making too many sacrifices to keep him on 3)

Looking for CBs to replace my former favorite CB in the game the bar was set extremely high. My need was a CB with good pace and 99 defending. Marquinhos met that need so I bought him and tried him out.

Wow. Simply wow. This card is unreal. So fast. So strong. Always in the right position. If an attacker gets by him he can catch up with ease and wins the ball. An absolute game changer along side FB Kimpembe. He defends like VVD while also having the pace to prevent through balls. This card will absolutely be in my team till the late stages of the game where we get insane CBs. He also provides great links as he is a Brazilian from PSG. 100% worth the price and would be worth it still if he was upwards of a mil. Nothing else much to say about this card. If you need a solid CB- he is your guy.

  • fast
  • strong
  • wall
  • more agile than expected
  • great links
  • not really any cons.
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (3/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Other Reviews
The BrazillianSecret Weapon
Wow, this player is amazing and easily linkable, i packed him from a +82 Pack, and i use him with SHADOW, i cant even describe how good he is, u dont even need skills to play with him, nobody can outpace him, not even MBAPPE. I recommend using SHADOW or ANCHOR on him.
Still a great CB
Thought i should finally start flashback Messi in Weekend League this weekend and as a result, needed this guy to get the chem. Not only do his links with the PSG players, including in my opinion the best keeper in the game, inform Donnarumma, but also as a Brazilian make him really simple to get on chem, he is an absolute wall in defence. Along with inform Tomori, Marquinhos led a defence that conceded just 29 goals all week...
He is pretty good and does the job but i would pick Kimpembe any day over him. His heading is insane and i could not miss a corner with him.