Best card in the game

I had to have obscene levels of willpower and no akrasia to not immediately purchase this card. I had to act accismus around my peers when we were talking about our favourite players to use in FIFA 23. For the period of time when I was not using Parejo, I became an agelast. I felt agowilt of every living moment when I could not see this beautiful mans face. I had to become an agonistarch to live for months. My family saw me as a battologist as all I could talk about was Parejo for hours on end. I felt the urge to bubulcitate whenever I came across this card in the game. I couldn't help it. Sure, his TOTW is cromulent, however this gold card is perfect. I couldn't believe that I had to keep my love for Parejo delitescent. I fell an infinite amount of epithymy for this card in my heart. I become ergophobic whilst using this card, I can't survive being separated from it ever again. Parejo is extremely callipygian. Daniel Parejo Munoz gets my eternal encomiums. He plays in a concinnous manner. His defensive behaviours is catoptromancy. He walks digitgradiently, elequently across the pitch. Any team without Parejo deturpates this beautiful game.

  • He can be lengthy with an anchor
  • Incredible speed of and on the ball
  • He is as deadly in the box as Benjamin Mendy, and equally outside.
  • He has never been dribbled past. His slide tackles are too high for that
  • The referees love him, he's never been booked.
  • 3 star skill moves (he can ball roll0
  • 4 star weak foot

Not many but here they are:

  • International reputation (2*)
  • Average body type (not lean)
  • Height, but his jumping makes up for it
  • Maybe too aggresive.
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (1/10)