The Welsh Golfer
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By far, this is one the best card I've tried this year. He's fast, he scores, his shots are stunning... 6 matches played, 7 goals and 4 assist with 0 of chemistry.

His pace is unbelievable and that 90 of strenght helps him A LOT... He bullied Theo Hernandez and Militao TOTY, Cancelo, Walker, Mendy... No one was able to stop him.

The shot is crazy: powerful and precise like his swings on a golf court (I don't need to add anything else).

The price is very low for what he did in game, the only bad thing are the links because that mf of Chiellini Winter Wildcards is extinct on the market and I need him to have Bale with 3 of chemistry.

I tried him as RW and I loved him, but you can easily use him as ST in game. Trust me, as ST is an absolute BEAST.

Pace: Theo Hernadez TOTY is still trying to catch him.

Shot: I was worried for the goalkeepers' hands, he litterally smashed them.

Physical: 90 of strenght makes him The Rock with the Usain Bolt's feet.

Tackles: He always fight for the ball and 90% of the time he get it.

4* weak foot (finally)

The celebration <3.

Links: I'm waiting Chiellini CAM to appear on the market :-(

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (10/10)
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