Feeling IRL Xavi
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I've bought Xavi because I need a B2B CM to side with Valverde IF. I was not convinced at the beginning due to his high cost (350k+), and due to the stats and body not being optimal for a B2B player, it seemed more suited for a playmaker role. Then I tried it, putting a Hunter chem on him to enhance his speed and his shooting attitude.

You know what Xavi was if you have ever watched a Barca game during Guardiola's era. Rapid, technical, precise, foolproof. The engine of a wonderful team. He returns exactly this feeling. He is everywhere. He is faster than his speed value can suggest. And man, his passing and his dribbling. It's probably the best one I have ever seen on this game by far. He can make very precise passes on the first touch, he can dribble out easily with R1 between 2 or 3 opponents, he can defend, and he can attack. He is extremely useful during set pieces, with super precise and strong corner kicks. He performs better than Valverde IF and Modric RTTK. Also, despite the not-so-good defense values, he recovers a lot of balls and stops the opponent's attacks in the middle of the field.

He is probably the most incisive player that I have ever tried this year. Even if his stats are very good, the final result is far over expectations. I don't know if it is due to his high number of playstyles, but the feeling that you get using him is of an all-rounded player who excels in everything (but shooting. His finalization is just normal).

Incredibly well-rounded CM. He can act as a playmaker, defensive midfielder, and inside forward all in one.

Can act as a B2B player with nothing to envy with other much more expensive players (Valverde IF, Bruno Fernandes RTTK, Marchisio).

Passes are amazing. You can risk first-touch passes with incredible precision.

High-lob passes are illegal. One-two with a speedy player (e.g., Leao) often results in a one-on-one with the opponent's goalkeeper.

Dribbling is super effective. You can easily come out from heavy traffic situations in the midfield or dribble on the opponent's attacking midfield to open advantageous chances.

Shooting and finalizing are just normal

Really, no other cons. With a Hunter/Catalyst/Shoadow chem he can rival in speed with almost everyone, considering that he will fight on the midfield and not on the wings.

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (7/10)