Simply Sensational Sophia Smith

I snagged Smith in the opening hours of TOTY at 1.387 million after I saw her start climbing back from a low of 1.2 million. Immediately I threw her into my squad at RW with a perfect link to Sauerbrunn (89 CB) post evolution. Smith showed to be a special card from the start, but felt a little wasted on the wing.

Moving to a 4-2-3-1 with Smith up top and some strong CAMs behind her really changed the game. She roams around at ST ready to break behind a backline or drift wide to get the ball and cut back inside. Her pace is as good as it gets, even though CBs can still catch up, but her shooting sets her apart. All her traits mesh together well and there is not a shot she can't hit. Anywhere from 45 yards in (A chunk outside the box) she can hit with finesse, trivela or power, which I never had seen this year despite some really solid attacking options.

I'm shocked she's as low as she was day one and am quite shocked she's under 1.6 million as of writing this ahead of leaving packs. An NWSL players may not be the first choice for many, but Smith is worth every coin and more, becoming even more valuable as better NWSL cards are released this spring.

Pace - 99 acc and 99 sprint speed with hawk. the pest pace yo can get + Quick Step. Sometimes gets sucked into CBs, but that's all players.

Shooting - There's nothing she can't hit. Some of the best goals I've scored all season came this weekend with her in my team. It's rare to be this automatic.

Cost - Honestly anything under 2 million is a deal for this card. Glad to have gotten in so cheap as I see this being a key piece of my club for the foreseeable future

The only thing I could think to improve for Smith would be getting sucked into defenders and sometimes struggling to separate. She's listed at 94 strength using a hawk, but I'm guessing the 83 aggression leaves a little bit more to be desired. It's rare to see and she makes up the chances in other ways, but it can pop up.

Links for Smith are a bit lackluster as of release with a few options:

Sauerbrunn - 85 gold CB (Perfect link) can be EVO'd for free to 89 with Patrick Who? but maxes out at 74 pace, 67 agility and 71 balance

Bixby - 84 GK - If you were to sink everything into Smith and want to change the least, throw Bixby in goal and run the score up

I had Rapinoe and Krieger on my bench from earlier SBCs and they were solid. If I needed more attack I could sub in a winger for Rapinoe and more defense I had options ready but didn't really need.

More NWSL links will come soon as the NWSL starts in mid-March, but it'll be limited to some of the above options for now (Unless you have Mia Hamm coinage)

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Other Reviews
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Good all around fall back winger/cf as i use in my tacs, she has amazing stamina and play style+Amazing dribbling apart from composure but haven't noticed anything that it effects because with finisher she finishes every goal she is presented withYou can modify the card by using chem styles, if you want better passing Engine, if you think Dribbling is already good enough use Hawk as Hunter is pointlessShe has quiet nice play ...