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Stupid that they mixed it. Fair enough women in FIFA, no problem with that but to have men and women in the same teams it just sounds like a circus to me and a big **** take to the sport, so unrealistic


Lmao gone up to 10k!?!!! Its a flashback SBC you fkin idiots


Rodrygo's movement combined with 95 finishing and a 5* WF is very special for 100k


The stats remind me of that Brazilian silver striker in FIFA 18 or something he was like 300k. Blonde guy, can't remember his name


You guys get work rates wrong. L/L doesn't mean he won't push up as your striker. It just means he won't leave the role he's playing. So he won't drift away from playing the striker position. it's arguably better if you cutback / cross as he'll hold his position in the penalty area


This card for free? That's daylight brobbery


Let me guess, had to do welcome Evo, pacey protector, trailblazer centre back, like yo had a crystal ball in the 10 hour trial


Aside from this comment, no one reply, it's what they want, just ignore it


Men of culture loved cards like cazorla, David Silva, iniesta over the years


You named all but figo lmao.

Helpful post tho, respect


Objective?? I'd pay 400k for that card


Why are heroes rated higher than icons? If EA things they were better irl shouldn't they be icons?? Tevez 88 - crespo 86, just an example...


Anyone else been good at FIFA over the years but just terrible at this game? Honestly there's not one player that I like, I don't even know what formation works best, how to pass even, or dribble at the right time. Yeah I win games sticking to basic play sometimes but anyone good I'm facing, I'm finished, like smashed 7-1 if I stay in the game


Guys on his web app and expects VR pack openings


Lol get over it lads, only way we could get a usable coutinho is an SBC


In his pic he has long hair in a band, class retro look, but in game he has like a receding short back and sides. Disappointing that


Wow be a good cam this

During future stars


Bro who the hell is buying your contracts?? Don't think I've had to buy one for about 3 years


Nah and pack odds are insanely bad. 2 mega packs, 82 highest. 84 x 3 pack, all 84s. But that's the norm this year. An absolute diabolical experience in EA FC so far. The amount of 83+ times whatever you get and it's ALWAYS gold. How do some promo cards sell for 15k? Whos packing them like it's no big deal??


You had to do welcome to evolutions... How were we to know??? Give us another slot EA come on


Idk why but I always think talisca has 5* skills from base


I swear in older FIFA's keepers used to sometimes catch on hold the ball while diving. I've not witnessed that animation in about 5 years


Imagine showing someone who doesn't play FIFA what you do in an SBC in this case. Literally giving away about 100 cards that you don't use with good pace, shooting etc, for one card back lol. The logic probably looks insane


No way is he worth going full Sweden for... What's so good about him? I don't see it


Honestly it has to be like pick of 1 of 10 to have a hint of something useable,


He's insane in game. It's mad how the community is so put off by links and won't really touch Liga nos ever. But Pepe and Maria just feel elite


Mate last night I put all my liquid 2 mil into promo packs because I was so tired of the game. Got nothing obviously. But I'd never do that in any other FIFA, it just showed me how much I couldn't care for this game after horrendous Toty


If that guy on YouTube posts how to craft potm mbappe for free, I swear :joy:


I know as soon as I complete him those EA mo F ers will drop a 93 flashback Suarez


I hate R1 dribbling. I do it because it's the only way to dribble but it looks and feels so ugly


Maybe unpopular opinion? But this year's tots has been one of the deadest promos we've had in FC 24. Even the impossible to pack cards have the same stats as the top 5 cards in previous promos. I don't feel the incentive to play right now tbh


He looks so good in game with his long hair. He's Deffo my target, been doing Argentinians from the argentian league as my evos. This game absolutely sucks so it's just all about making a unique team for me. Not even playing for wins anymore


Just packed him and although it's nothing to get excited about value wise, he's going straight into the team as this man is one of few FUT legends remaining. FIFA 16 king


Apart from the obvious ones, mbappe, neymar, VVD, and rashford. Aren't they all irrelevant now? Surely you guys don't need WW reus, TB griezman etc at this stage. Surely


Class to see him and Ramires with good cards again. Just wish we could get Hulk and David luiz in the game


Nice strength for a lank end


Worth a shot tho for that price


I know it makes more sense to use the showdown Evo on a defender but I don't care, I'll use it on Felix to jack him up to full potential


Ha. 4th WL in a row, stop at 11, reds are fodder.

Complete and utter hell of a game. 11 wins used to be guaranteed 2 good reds during tots. Showdown Felix yet again does not get replaced, I'm still using tchouameni, not one single tempting CDM replacement, sad


Not even 99 futties cards would be better that this with a shadow. What a card


While building up my arse, you were time wasting like a sweat bag weren't you? Lol


Hilarious how fake that 99 shooting Evo was. I subbed my 99 shooting saint max on last night and every shot he took was atrocious


He doesn't look that much better tbh, 5* WF is nice but raul can finish on both with 4*

No way 1 mil if the other is 150k lol


I came up against him one game in WL and oh my days it was a write off. He's a giant. Every time I was near him he'd stretch his leg over like the stretchy guy off street fighter and eliminate my attack. Or just literally push my player on the floor and ref didn't care. I just really want to pack him now


This is deffo a community with no back bone lol. We could all stop playing for at least 24 hours to get a EA to lose a lot of active numbers as a stand against their mess of a game. But at 6pm we'll be sweating our toty cup games while tea is cooking.


They should have made it more clear how important the welcome to evolutions choice was


Ramires and pirlo out

Flashback kante and toty Sawa in!


I completed both, even if akanji is a little better, his arse is still getting dropped for bastoni because all I care about is having the majestic cuadrado on 3 chem


Anyone else who was hating the game I'd recommend doing what I'm doing, using icons only but also trying to collect all base icons

I did the 2 base icon upgrades and got riquelme and vidic but getting them wasn't even annoying cos that's them ticked off. Honestly it's pretty fun


I can't open packs anymore I've just got a page of 89 - 87 duplicates. For me, this isn't convincing enough to complete. See you next week EA? I mean how long is it gonna take for a tempting SBC


Tbh I think all icons right now are boring apart from the ones that are like 5 mil plus, who won't get SBCs at this point. I'm more interested in the likes of Felix and flashback potentials like Suarez


The ones who see this SBC as an L will never find a balance to enjoy the game. You can work wonders with baggio and he looks so retro in game it feels class. There's nothing to be negative about here. If you're looking to constantly keep above 92 pace, 92 shooting etc now. You're gonna always look for the next, next, next, next upgrade until it's October.

Just try and enjoy some cards


He's so good. Sometimes in ultimate team you upgrade to a better player and you really feel a difference in class, like you get more confident and cheeky on the ball to destroy defences. Best gives that


15 80+ picks and highest was 83. Nerfed so bad right now


Wadda win. I'd use absolutely any icon at this stage in my main team so the SBC is a massive dub


They didn't allow the previous icons we could Evo. I evo'd crespo hoping to Evo him again in the future. They messed up completely with this new feature. I wanted a club legend who could throughout the year become better and better. But it doesn't work. Nice one again EA


Hopefully similar price range to rodrygo, great card that comes with a price. Fair trade


Haha F you EA! You shafted us all year with awful icon pulls in gamble SBCs and you gave us a chance to make our own luck and it paid off. Keep your 88+ thunderstruck icon pick


I still wouldn't score a header, honestly last time headers worked for me was FIFA 14, klose and Gomez ftw


Aah well, look at it this way, at least you still get to flex the design


Boring comment bro, it's not what we wanna see


He's unreal. Everyone says it who tries him too. Bought for 670k but won't even sell for the profit. Irreplaceable


He should have got the SBC. Instant complete for me


For me, I'd start him LM and use as my CDM and I know he'll be amazing but my question is, is this his current price assuming no upgrades or will he drop when / if they lose? Because I'm totally expecting no upgrades and I'm happy with those stats, but if I can save 30k I mean... ?


Wait anyway because pack weight is rigged after rival rewards. EA turn their sliders down


Lads we should all just really uninstall

I know it's tempting even on the same day to just jump back on the game like it's an addiction but the community has to make a stand here. They keep doing things like this and we never do anything about it


Let's be honest, tiki taka had potential this year but it just doesn't really work consistently. One bit of lag in a match and you kiss goodbye to consistent passing, which throws the whole tactic out of the window.

Anyone consistent player's I need your advice. What formation and types of players you use?


99 strength and 99 standing tackle with anchor and a better pace split than VVD who everyone creams over. You guys really are dismissing cards before trying them


Doesn't matter who deserved it or not, football is football, it's the final score that matters. Get over it


Yeah if you love a card, always aim for the best possible version


Honestly deadest TOTS in history. All 3 rewards on 11 wins has Been fodder reds. Won't play champs again no point



I'm not a Chelsea fan so I didn't but GGs to you all who did and enoy him, he'll be rapid


Nice team


What happened to icons? Give us an icon Evo or something, 95% of them are **** now


Although he doesn't feel the quickest, he's an insane striker, close control and pretty much every realistic shot is a goal, bagged me hat tricks in games where I probably should have lost


What EA should be releasing to keep me interested in the game. SBC, pack that contains 1 Fantasy hero.

Same with every promo. I don't care if the SBC is expensive, it would make promos so much better, grinding fodder that week. They're soooo up right, act like cards are a dream in an alternate universe to use


So most SBCs were an hour early but the 83 x 10 is an hour late? What


What a F'd up social life he must have


80+ been patched imo. I did about 20 yesterday and 84 was highest. I'll try these tonight


I'm scoring some of the best goals I've ever scored in FIFA with this card. Little magical flicks then backheel volley flick back over his head then immense curve shot volley and that. People are seriously missing out here


Nah he's unreal. I was a bit unsure while completing him to back out or not. Playing him left striker, finishing is like van basten but he's so agile. Highest finish in WL this year and he carried and my CAM and right striker played trash


This price is insane for xavi, I had to pull the trigger at 117k

What a steal


I think consistently good but for some reason such a boring card


Guys honestly skip that goncalo guedes Evo, finished him and after 3 games I've seen enough, moved like a slug, I don't believe in Evos anymore, that confirmed it. Literally going into an SBC


Nothing like EA to take a dump on Dennis once again


What a card man. I packed him in an exchange so I tried him out at CAM on basic so far. He's benched all my good options like toty best for example. You have to try him, he has it all


I wouldn't let it put you off, insigne and that Gomez Argentine guy who always gets live cards every FIFA are both weak as f but shamazing in game


Glad I sold him at 80k. I thought I was being stupid, city are finished


Did it for my only chance to get fantasy yaya for zaha link as my club is skint, but he popped up and I got a bit excited thinking he was like 700k

Then I remembered this isn't last year's market


The best CB on the game... What the hell


The only card I want but won't get.

Plenty of duplicates of that 91 moments ***** from arsenal ladies day out tho, what joy I had watching her growing up


Not the FIFA for him really is it. Technical dribbling completely removed the OG feel of just LS dribbling, where him and butra shined


Can't deny the card looks very nice imagine wise. The black long sleeved silk sweatshirt for some reason like :/ and the gold trimmings. Very nice visually


With average and lean and those dribbling stats not to mention all the meta Ariel and 6" 4 stuff, if Madrid win surely this will be one of the best strikers on the game

This card will be absolutely broken, it has to be


Yeah I ain't reading allat


Can't fault the dribbling mate, he's small and most of it is over 90... Come on


Bit of advice, just thought this January transfer window will be the juiciest in FUT history. Because you'll still be able to Evo gold cards that are no longer packable in that club, for those players who transfer. So any top 5 league players that transfer out of that league, I'd say stock up £££


Everyone slagging this SBC off? Im using UCL tevez up front and in WL he was hatricks a game. I don't believe he's behind the power curve tbh, especially if everyone was creaming over Cruyff. Similar level in terms of power curve imo


Well there you go, zero fodder and coins last week when I started him, I didn't even play champs this weekend and I've been menu grinding but not a massive amount, I'm even lazy with it like discard my duplicate gold rare and commons out of laziness and just now I've completed him. Sbcs are just completely do able


You really didn't need to list all that. We get it. It's been talked about for the last 2 weeks

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