The Miniature Haaland
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If you enjoy watching in Haaland in real life, squish him down into a 5'7 frame and make him Polish. You get this Smolarek card.

Suprisingly I've seen very very little around this card since its release, I think this is to do with his unpopular nation and league combo but when I say that this card is the best card I've used and is only around 350k he seriously is a must do. With a Hawk you are getting a card with 99 Accelaration, 95 Sprint Speed, 95 Positioning, 97 Finishing, 91+ in all dribbling stats (with 98 Balance) and 90 Strenght AAAAAAND he can get upgraded based on Feyenoord results!

The way I used him is as a 'get in behind with Rapid+ and either just burst into space and shoot on his left OR go very stop start with left stick dribbling and triggering LT under pressure to activate Press Proven+'. It makes him very diverse to use in that you aren't repeating the same routine which makes him harder to defend for opponents whilst excelling in both options. Press Proven really helps too but takes some getting used to but the amount of times I have drawn penalties by stopping and holding LT for a split second is ridiculous and if they dont foul his strength keeps them away and you can use his high base dribbling to spin into space with ease. Its really like Messi and Haaland had a baby with the way you use him. His goals to game looks low however I am playing him in a very attacking side where Raul and Sheva get an equal amount of goals because of the way I mix up my attacking style throughout a game.

Notes on how to set up with him: I use midfielders with very high passing stats who can easily find through balls and over the top passes to use his pace and dribbling stats to the fullest. I also use Fast Build Up and Direct Passing on the attack which makes my strike force feel electric on the counter once I turn over possesion and really suits Smolareks card with his high Stamina and Relentless meaning he can do it all game. I also play him on the same side as I use my Whipped Cross+ because of his low height he rarely will contest headers so I want other players to contribute from that Whipped Cross, however just to note if he does have a free header; Power Header, 88 jumping and 85 Heading Acc does mean he will have a strong effort so dont be afraid if it is an option. I also play him with an Incisive Pass+ player behind to slip in to get in behind the defence and use the Rapid+ to break that line which really plays to his cards strengths! For reference im using the popular 4321 tactics with the LEFT side being my attacking side.

Honestly this card is a must do and researching Feyenoord's next 4 games there is a high chance they will get 2 wins out of the next 3 games and only need 9 goals in the next 3 also which I believe is possible which will mean with a +2 this card will be an absolute joke.

  • Pace
  • Strength (Press Proven+)
  • Dribbling (Left Stick, Press Proven+)
  • Passing
  • No Finesse PlayStyle
  • Height (for crosses)
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (6/10)
Physicality (9/10)