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Very honest review: This card helps him where he needs it most: pace. With a shadow or hunter, he becomes fast enough to really work the middle of the field but still not enough to be trusted to get behind the back line. His defending isn't all that good, a CDM is a must next to him, but he can still do a very good job pressing and cutting off the opposition. His obvious strong suit is build up play, being arguably one of the best passers in the game with some good playstyles for it. Despite his low balance, he still feels good enough on the ball to be trusted to push up and create space. His five star skill moves help him a lot when attacking, opening space for passes or for shots. His shooting is bang average but gets the job done for a midfielder. His freekicks are phenomenal, I recommend trying to get your shots to be from outside of the foot, but with his playstyle+ it's easy any way you do it. Overall I'll give him an 8.5/10. I do wish he was a bit better defensively as well as having more balance and agility. More pace would be nice but tbh it wasn't a problem for me at all. He isn't really physical at all but with players like him that's compensated with his dribbling and skill moves pretty fairly. I did find myself having to sub him off towards the end of games as well but that's not a big problem. Used him in WL and div4: 21 games played, 8 goals, 14 assists.
Thought I was going crazy, if u scroll down and ur finger goes left 0.00001 mm the screen changes so annoying
Very honest opinion: At this stage of the game it is outrageous that EA have dropped a card like this, among the upgraded Rashford and icons. I can't imagine what the promos are gonna look like around February-March. Anyways, this card is obviously very good. With a hunter he finally has pace to feel good as a CAM who can get forward to act as a second striker when needed. Played him CAM in a 4231. His dribbling is good, nothing groundbreaking but gets the job done. Passing is spectacular, especially with his playstyle+... gotta abuse those through balls. Shooting with a hunter becomes very good, making him an all around threat in shooting, passing, and moving forward with the help of the five star skills. Three star weak foot is noticeable at times but tbh not that bad overall. Using him in WL only so far, 17 matches played with 18 goals and 7 assists. I'll give him an 8/10. What he lacks in speed and physicality is compensated by his shooting and passing, but it's still missed. If used for build up play then his speed is decent, but not fast enough to make runs behind. I do find him to get bodied easily but with the skill moves and decent dribbling that's ok. Should you do it? If he fits your team and you're not a pace rat, then he's a good choice for a good price.
SBC of the year 10000% him and Rolfo will go down as this year's legendary cards
He's good, very good dribbling and his through balls are great thanks to incisive pass. Also good at scoring especially with left footed trivelas. His physical sucks tho, easily bodied off the ball and he can't really defend that well so he should be played as a very attacking cm or cam, haven't tried him in the wing but I like him through the center a lot where his lower sprint speed isn't a problem. Overall an 8/10 for me, wish he had 5* skills and better physical but nonetheless he'll stay on my team for a while.
Probably gonna go down as the SBC of the year when considering his price and game output. Top tier striker comparable to Eusebio for a fraction of the price. Only other SBCs that stand out atm are Best and Sawa but they were both very expensive compared to him while providing more or less the same game changing factor. Not to mention we haven't even seen his final form yet, an at least 92 rated Timo will be legendary
why tf peepee when poopoo but no poopoo when peepee...
Very honest review: Finesse shots are incredibly broken and need to be nerfed, but meanwhile this card is one of the best attackers in the game besides the 1m+ coin cards. Usually his three star weak foot puts me off using gold Salah, but this card is beyond magical this year. His dribbling is good, nothing exceptional but he is very smooth and keeps the ball tight. Shooting is very good and near perfect when using finesse shots - those go in from anywhere. His passing gets the job done but it's nothing to write home about, this is where you'll notice his weak foot the most unfortunately. He isn't super physical but it's a trade off for him being quick and fairly agile. Overall I give him a 9/10 as things stand. I can see him being my overall top scorer for the year if I don't get lucky enough to pack a replacement for him as he'll probably be useful until January. I only wish he had at least a four star weak foot, but his weak foot isn't really noticeable when shooting from my experience so that's good. But be careful passing with his weak foot.
His finesse shots take me back to the beginning of the game when they were broken. This card's got it.
At least 3 I'd guess: he's 100% starting the next couple of Liverpool matches so long as the injury curse doesn't hit him, likely that Liverpool can keep a clean sheet against forest and maybe Everton, and they'll probably win those two fixtures as well. Dunno about the 11 goals tho since one of their games will be against city
Dude is an absolute menace for me as attacking cm from the right. Got him paired with Gullit and kimmich as CDM and they just boss the midfield, it's crazy. Don't expect him to put on great defensive shifts, that's why I have Gullit next to him and Kimmich staying back. But on the attack and for build up plays you can't go wrong with him. I use an engine and honestly his dribbling becomes very good, r1 jams through everyone if you know when to use it and his 5* skills are tremendous for breaking up defenses. His base shooting is good enough, get him in the box and it's probably going in, almost feels like he has powershot with the way he explodes shots in. His passing is phenomenal just as with any other player with incisive pass+, ball roll scoop through balls go brrrr with him. Is he the most meta for his position? Absolutely not, but he's very fun to play with
How hard is it for Futbin to show two playstyle+s? They've been in the game a while now, lazy devs
Finally a gamble SBC has paid off. Remember kids, never stop gambling!
Finisher clear for the agility and balance upgrade
Got him from an icon PP a while ago, didn't think he'd stay on my team but tbh he's earned his spot. He's my go-to for freekicks, if it's close to the box it's going in. Also insanely good at receiving corner kicks, my first bicycle goal of the year was thanks to him and he's now done it multiple times for me, not to say he's very good at heading it in if he isn't being marked by a giant like VVD. Left foot trivelas are good from him, but besides that I don't use him to finish my plays if I can avoid it since he's pretty average at it. Dribbling is very smooth and can hold the ball up well with a hawk, and his passing doesn't disappoint for build up plays. There's a lot of better choices but for his price he's alright, if you get him untradeable or have some connection to him he's not a bad addition to your team.
Did him to replace my kimmich so I could fit Kounde in my team. He's still really good as a stay back CDM, takes the ball from behind players and intercepts like crazy. His jockey is also really good, retains the ball very well and feels good on it too. Loving him and glad I got the opportunity to have him first owner
Replaced my 89 Butra with him. Immediate impact on the team, best striker I've used this year
He is literally him. Got insanely lucky and packed him out of the 83x10 (fyi all other cards were 83 lol). I did have his gold card as well. Just as his gold, he is arguably the best defender in the game. His AI movement is phenomenal, he shuts down the middle automatically and blocks different paths to the box. Controlling him makes him even more overpowered as his standing tackles are incredibly efficient coupled with his very high strength and very big frame. He'll win any aerial duel and is always in the perfect spot for corners - it is just a gamble whether he will head it into the net or to the side, but I'd say 8/10 times it's towards the net to goal. I've found only another VVD or incredibly tall/strong player can shut down his headers, so taking the corner quickly to not allow your opponent to mark him is a must. This is the first and probably only card for a while that I'll give a perfect 10/10. The way he dominates the defense cannot be compared to any other CB in the game. Sure Varane and say Vidic/Blanc are also very good, but they lack the presence that VVD has on the pitch. Acquiring this card, or honestly even just his gold, is enough to give any player an extra 2 wins in WL so long as they are not completely inept at defending. This is Mbappe level of game changing for any squad, no matter who your previous CBs were. If you can afford him, get him or his gold.
It has finesse shot?
Butter. Using him as a striker with a hunter. Silkiest trigger dribbling in the game, his r1 is also very nice in the box. I think my favorite way to play him is to pull out defenders and allow my CAM to make runs in, but he's also always in the right position for the second pass in the box into goal. Overall great card, I loved his WC card last year so knew this was a must do. Haven't tried him in the wing but feel I wouldn't like him there, he's perfect as a striker for me (31g/23a in 24 matches) (played a few in div5 and got 11-9 with him)
He's 99 stamina now but didn't even need that, his relentless playstyle means he's solid for 90+ mins
Even though we won't be seeing any special cards for him unfortunately, his gold card will remain useable for the foreseeable future. Using him as a stay back CM with a shadow, he's by far the quickest yet smoothest DM I've used this game. He can always get back quick if needed, and is always finding himself in great defensive positions. Has good passing to start forward play, and he can help out getting through the center, but I haven't tried him on the attack much. Worth the price for what he can do, really gives your midfield security.
90 rated with 5*5* god DAMN
Packed Gullit and now I can finally give this beauty some rest. From TB promo until this WL he has always played for the badge and been a very decent B2B. Crazy how useable he's been, thought he'd be outdated by now
If you have both, I'd use Foden wide and Dinho as a CAM. If you're choosing between the two, Foden is definitely better but considering the price difference Dinho isn't bad at all if saving coins is a priority.
Got him paired with Konate: speedy boy and gigantic creature holding down my defense really well. Koundes speed catching up to players is crazy at 99, having him and my fullback barreling down full speed is very satisfying. Had Sule before so having a very fast CB instead of two walls feels really good
There's different ways of playing a CAM. A maestro on this card would make it incredibly good for buildup plays and for finishing during slower buildups through the center. How I play him, like I said in my original comment, is as a CAM/second striker, so I need my CAM to have good pace to make occasional runs behind the defense while my striker pulls away defenders.
I was lucky I packed him early in the game, something I also did in FIFA 23 so I've had experience with this card. If things remain as they were in FIFA 23, this card will be useable until around March-May. Using him with an anchor as a RB of course, he is once again one of the best gold RBs in the game. His speed is never a problem, easily catches any winger I've had to come against. When switching to him from second man pressing, he becomes a truck and gets the ball. Very good defensively but can also get down the wing fast and deal some good passes in.
Why is it so hard for Futbin to add second playstyle+ to the cards in the app ffs
I tried him striker and RW in a 4231 and tbh he did better as a striker for me, like way better. Kinda ghosted as a RW but as a striker he was always in the box ready for the pass, also super silky dribbling.
He's actually really good with marksman for me, thought he wouldn't make it on my team but he and Foden are my finesse gods on either side of the pitch with my golden boy tots sbc Alvarez evolved to 93, arguably some of the best attacking AI in the game (not so much garnacho)
The time has come for me to retire this club legend. I wasn't expecting much when I first got him, but he turned out to be one of my favorite cards so far in the game. Played him as a cam in a 433(4) and he was just perfect for it. With my playstyle, I like to drag back the defense with my striker and allow this monster to run in and absolutely smash the ball in. His shots always come out really strong, power shot or not. His freekicks will always go in around the edge of the box with deadball+, just give it 3 bars of power into a corner. Overall an insane card, can't wait for his future special cards. I have a feeling one of them will be in my team for a long time. (124g/65a in 147 matches)
Werner probably your best striker, Best and Mbappe on the wings
Just go for the 90 TOTW. Hell, I'd even consider just buying his gold as the upgrade isn't that huge. I packed his 90 during Black Friday and he's never moved from my squad, still an insane card and will probably be so until the very end of the game.
No, impossible
Yaya if you need a more defensive cm, Gullit for b2b or attacking cm
Got him from reds and meh, 93 Alvarez feels better for me. Finesse shots cracked per usual tho
CAM with hunter in 4231. Becomes the second striker most plays, has crazy through balls thanks to his playstyle+, insane card (10g/8a in 12 matches). Wouldn't pay 140k for it tho, my szobo gets the job done just as well (124g/65a in 147 matches). Currently div5 and 11-9 in WL
sou colorado e tambem n gosto do corinthians mas esse cara é mto foda, lenda brasileiro. precisao dar um icon pro falcão (o original do inter) agora, n sei pq um dos melhores cdms da historia do Brasil e da epoca inteira n tem uma carta icon ou pelo menos hero. pqp o cara jogo com o zico e o socrates em um dos melhores times do brasil
AAAAYYYYOOOOOOOOO!!!!! this card looks meh
Yes because of technical+
His 88 evo is Mbappe Jr., he has that glitch factor just turned down but still there. 5 star skills with a finisher makes him surprisingly so smooth in the box. Crazy striker for free basically
Lil bro has never heard of the engine chem style, makes him an insane CAM probably
Praetor Rykard
Ea forgetting to drop future stars midfielder academy
14 wins in WL finally paid off, shame I just finished De Jong's SBC
Wtf if he's 600k then Salah will be like 1.5 mil
Finished crafting him then got Foden ffs
Do not go to the Pentagon on February 17, 2024
He's good but I got Palmer so he's never seeing the pitch again

The Egyptian Finesse

It's no surprise that Salah's gold card is, once again, a very good card that will hold its place in squads until spring season. A good thing about Salah throughout the years is his ability on the ball, with the combination of good animations and very well balanced dribbling stats, making him quick and nimble and able to dominate the right wing offensively. Using him as the RW/RCAM in 433(4) and 4231, I was impressed by his...
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