Lewandowski the King
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By virtue of being Polish, I feel obligated to own a Robert Lewandowski card and do a review on him.

I personally play in the elite division and with Robert Lewandowski (with the Engine card) I have played 100 games in which he scored 130 goals. I play him in a narrow 4-1-2-1-2 formation with David Ginola in the ST position and George Best on CAM.

I will describe each of the stats on the card and how they relate to the feel of the game.

Pace: This is one of the most anticipated changes from the "normal" Robert Lewandowski card. In the TOTY card, his pace is incredible. He can run away from defenders, but considering how many defenders have high pace nowadays, it happens that someone fast will catch up with him when they're running head to head, whereas if Robert is at least half a meter away from the defender - it's over, no one will catch up with him, at least it hasn't happened to me.

Shooting: It's hard to write anything, except that you can afford to shoot him from any position. Finesse shots, power shots, whatever you want. I do not remember a match in which Robert would not score at least one goal. Very often when the goalkeeper defends his shot, it is so strong that he is not able to catch it, which often "spits" the ball out in front of him provoking an extra time ending in a goal.

Passes: I rarely use them due to the fact that it is to Robert that I pass the ball, but when it does happen, I play perpendicular balls, which for me are at a very high level. I don't get passes that go somewhere far away or somewhere I didn't plan to go.

Dribbling: I have played many cards so far with highly rated dribbling. Certainly his dribbling is not like Messi's or Vinicius', but a simple rabona with good timing is enough to leave defenders behind. Robert's tricks are very fluid and his movements make it difficult for defenders.

Defense: His role is not to defend, but to shoot, so I'll skip this issue and just say that he can often pick up the ball when he loses it

Physicality: This is my biggest disappointment. From a card rated this way, I would expect a bit more. He is sometimes knocked over by Kimpembe in situations where I wouldn't expect such behavior. I have the impression that Mbappe is more stable on his feet than him. It is not a problem, because when he runs with a defender on his back, he is unstoppable, but sometimes an attempt to simply receive the ball by a defender knocks him off balance. It's not bad in this regard, but it could just be better.

Overall Rating: I rate the utility of the card very well, as he is a player who has a goal ratio higher than any other card at my club, which speaks for itself. I bought him for 1.8 million coins and I think he is worth the price at the moment. He is great at setting up passes, although there are times when, despite playing in the same position as Ginola in my squad, Robert is sometimes more at the back, which still doesn't stop him from scoring more goals than David.

His positioning, pace and shooting skills are at such a high level that any physical shortcomings are not a problem for me and Robert Lewandowski will definitely be in my lineup until the last day of playing FIFA 22.

Pace, Shooting, Jjumping, Heading

Phisicality - could be better, but it's not bad

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (3/10)
Physicality (7/10)
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