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Pace 10/10

Not much to say here. Bale is a tall, fast and strong player. He has an athletic build in game so he is absolutely rapid. When he gets through on goal, there is no catching him so you will have no problems with pace.

Shooting 10/10

He has some of the best shooting I've used in this game. Give him even half a chance anywhere inside the box and he will bury it with ease. He hits the ball with so much venom and ferocity that it leaves the keeper stranded giving him absolutely no chance of making a save. His long shots are deadly. You can unleash shots from anywhere with this card and all of them will have a chance to go in. He has outside foot shot trait which is extremely useful in certain circumstances. His finesse shots are really good as well and he can whip them in from anywhere. His freekicks are also lethal as well.

Passing 10/10

He has some of the best passing in this game as well. This card really is an all rounder. If his teammates make a run, don't be afraid to make a pass. He will successfully complete the pass more often than not regardless of how easy or difficult the pass may seem. His long passing is especially phenomenal as is his crossing ability.

Dribbling 9/10

Because of his size, you may expect him to be slightly clunky. He surprised me in this aspect. He is actually quite smooth, silky and agile on the ball. He has great left stick and is very evasive. When he gets going, he is extremely difficult to dispossess. Couple that with his 5* skills and you have a crazy good dribbler on your hands.

Physical 9/10

Again, his size and build are really beneficial here. He is really strong and is able to hold off even the strongest of defenders without any issues whatsoever. It is actually really difficult to push him off the ball and when you combine all his attributes together, you have an absolute demon on your hands. A defenders worst nightmare.

For a more in depth review, visit my YouTube channel, "SR7 Productions".



Long shots



5* skills



Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (9/10)
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