Worth the Prem stan hype?
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Lets get something out of the way first, I think that the icons are wildly underrated and FUT heros really shouldn't have been as overpowered as they are. That said, these cards are incredibly fun to use and I'm glad that they exist.

Alright so, I was beyond excited when I packed Ginola, pretty sure I scared off some customers in the middle of my job. I do rely on FUTbin for info on cards before I use then so I was surprised when I saw a lot of negative comments surrounding this card all of them mostly about price and his clunkiness. So, I threw him into my squad (which I linked to this review if anyone is interested) and played a few games and I will say that compared to my old striker, FUT Fantasy Saint-Max, Ginola is vastly different.

Firslty, FUTbin didn't fail me in the slightlest, I went in fully expecting him to be less responsive than Saint-Max and he 100% is. His 90 rated balance and reactions put a damper on his abilities as a manuverable attacker and his passing is slighlty lacking as well although it wasn't that big of a deal and it really didn't cost me as many goals as I thought it would. Also, although he is rated 5* SM he feels like he is at most 3* at times becasue of his size, lack of balance, and reactions. Almost immediatly I knew that Ginola wasn't worth dropping his current price of 1.3 mil, at best he is worth 800k and at worst his is worst maybe 400k. He is way over priced and honeslty I just think it is because of the staggering amount of prem stans deperate to have this card in their squad. If you're not careful more times than not he will break your squads ability to attack if you expect more out of him than he is capable of in terms of manuverability and responsivness.

Despite those negatives, I will say that as a goal scorer he far excceded what I thought he could do. Angles and distance mean nothing to him and if you take a shot with him 9 times out of 10 it WILL go in. Also, what he lacks in manuverability he more than makes up for with his insane strength and at times it seems like he has magnets on his feet with Van dijk proving to be one of the only real problems I faced with opposing defenders. Skill moves (while they aren't as smooth as they should be with 5*) will surprise you at times and being thoughtful and deliberate in their usage gives him the edge in most 1v1 and 2v1 situations. If I could compare him to anyone I would say Ginola is like Akinfenwa if he was slighlty faster, more agile, and had insane shooting skills.

In all honestly, Ginola may not be the easiest striker to use in this game if you like skilling or expect him to be similar to some of the more agile strikers, but he certainly is one of the consistent goal scorers I have ever played with. I feel almost inclined to say he is "the thinking mans striker" becasue of this. So I would like to offer some adivce if you ever have the opportunity of having him in your squad.

He will NOT do everything himself, strong support in the midfield and on the wings is a neccesity if you wish to give him the openings to score. He is slow and you can feel it, use his slower movement to assess situations and give him the room he needs to operate effectivly and you will undoubtly see insane results even agasint the best of teams. Ginola is the kind of player you will have to build a team around. I found that close quarter passes are more effective than long balls as he can't out-run many defenders especially when handling the ball.

In the end, Ginola is a great addition to all squads, but how well you play to his strengths will be the deciding factor on whether you love him or hate him.

  • Shooting
  • Insane Strength
  • Magnetic attraction to the ball
  • Ability to "preform" high level skill moves
  • Balance
  • Responsivness
  • Clunky body size
  • Reactions
  • Slower than normal SM for 5*
  • Requires some semblance of thought/strategy
  • Kind of slow (debatable)
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (6/10)
Physicality (10/10)
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